It might have been a secret dream of mine to hold hands with Fitz once in my lifetime.
This is epic.
Fitz glances at me. “You okay?”
“Fine.” I sigh happily.
“You sure?” He weaves through a pack of students. “Lassandra can get intense.”
“She grabbed my hair.”
He winces. “Ouch.”
“I’ll survive. This weave is sewed in tight.”
His lips turn up in a bemused, I have no idea what you’re talking about smile.
We skate around a corner.
Suddenly, Fitz skids to a halt.
I bump into his back and glance ahead, steadying myself with a grunt.
The air around us shifts.
My heart stalls when I look up and see Hawk. He stands in the center of the path, swallowing up every molecule in the air with his overwhelming presence. His wide shoulders are tense and his big hands curl into fists at his sides.
His attention goes straight to where Fitz’s slender fingers are gripping mine. He glares, blue eyes turning liquid silver.
My heart stutters.
Fitz quickly drops my wrist.
“You’re a little early for our date, Speedy.” Hawk leans back. Despite his level voice, he continues to glare at Fitz.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I can’t be late to a date I didn’t agree to.”
Hawk keeps his attention on Fitz. “I told the chef to prepare dinner. Something simple. Fettuccine alfredo. Do you like pasta? ”
“I hate it.”
Finally, he steers his eyes on me. “What do you like then?”
“Guys who back off when I tell them no.”
He arches an eyebrow. “I meant about the meal tonight.”
I roll my eyes.
Hawk stares at Fitz again. “Who were you running from?”