“Who are you?” I breathe.

“My name is Dr. Morgan Bacher. I’m from earth—” He pauses. “Uh… I guess this is technically an earth too.”

I glance at the tethering rope around his waist that’s dangling out of only one side of the doorway. The other side is completely empty. As if nothing’s there.

“Did you get here through that… portal?”

“It’s a long story.” He slants me a lopsided grin. “I can’t believe this actually worked.” Green eyes study me. “Why aren’t you more surprised to hear all this?”

“Because I’m not from this world either.”

His eyes widen and he whispers, “You crossed over in the alignment?”

“There was an earthquake and the next thing I knew…”

“Yes.” He rubs his stubble. “It’s possible your reality bent and the time-space disturbance was powerful enough to suck you in…”

“Excuse me. In English?”

He chuckles. “That night, a portal opened between the worlds.”

“Did it open again? Is that why you’re here?”

“No, we made our own doorway.”

Hope fills my heart. “Does that mean I can go back anytime I want?”

“No, we’re still working on…” His body flashes white and his voice gets hard to understand as if he was hit with bad reception.

“Morgan, you’re disappearing!”

“The machine needs more power,” he mumbles and then glances up as he comes into focus again. “What’s your name?”

“Shanel Waight.”

“Shanel, this doorway looks empty, but it connects to our world. Come back to this exact spot in three days. I’ll do everything I can to meet you here.”

“Wait, but how do I—?”

The man disappeared into thin air after that. I ran through the doorway to follow him and the next thing I knew, I was at school.

“You can’t seriously expect me to believe this,” Hawk whispers.

“Your entire life is a movie on my world.”


“I know what you were wearing the night your mom passed.”

His eyebrows slant all the way down.

“It was a Scooby-Doo pajama top. Blue. With little white buttons.” I squeeze my eyes shut. “Navy pajama bottoms. I don’t know if you’d lost the matching one or…” I suck in a deep breath. “You were painting that day so your fingers were stained green and red as you clung to the railing. When your mom left through the door, you pressed your face between the railing and your hair flopped into your eyes. You were crying—”

“Stop.” He shakes me. “Just… stop.”

I search his face. “Hawk…”

“How do you know all that?”