“Principal Harry?”

My nostrils flare.

The hell is that old man thinking? I pull out my phone and call him at once.

He picks up on the first ring. His voice sounds jovial and welcoming when he says, “Hawk, how can I help you?”

“Why the hell are you cleaning out Shanel’s room?”


“Explain. Now.”

“Her dad is removing her from the school.”

My grip on the phone tightens. “What? Why?”

“Don’t know,” Principal Harry says. “All I know is… she’s leaving Brighton Academy. For good.”

I hang up.

Stumble back.

My head aches.

My heart screams.

Speedy is gone.



I’ve always thought the term ‘giant mansion’ is a bit of a redundancy. ‘Mansion’ already implies that a house is huge. It’s a pretty simple concept.

But I was wrong.

I can’t think of any words more befitting the villa standing before me.

Well, ‘palace’ does come to mind.

My eyes travel the massive gate that surrounds the acreage. Behind that, there’s a circular driveway, an extravagant water fountain and perfectly maintained shrubs.

What’s inside that house would put MTV Cribs to shame. A living room fit for a magazine. A kitchen worth millions. Bedrooms so lavish they border on pretentious (how much space does a person really need?)

I can’t believe I’m standing here.

In front of Hawk’s house.

Considering going in.

Shaking my head, I turn away from the gate and plod to the sidewalk. This is crazy. Like charging into a lion’s den smelling of barbeque sauce and a side of meatballs crazy.

I can’t go in there.

My black shoes skate against loose rocks as I stop.

Turn back.