Fitz sighs. “We want you two to be okay.”

“How can I?” Miles scoffs. “When Hawk stole my fiancée?”

“Maybe if you treated her right, she’d still be yours,” I growl, still pissed off about the way he was talking about Shanel a few days ago.

Miles clamors to his feet. “What did you say?”

“Whoa, guys.” Barclay scrambles between us. “Save the pissing contest for later. We’re here to work things out.”

“Maybe they do need to fight,” Fitz says from his perch behind the bar. “Just get it all out there so we can move on.”

I shake my head. “This is a waste of time.”

“Hawk…” Barclay tries to keep me from leaving.

I grab my blazer, push him aside and march out of the room.

Shanel’s far more important to me than this mess.

Miles blocks the door. “We’re not done talking yet.”

I lift my head slowly, losing count of the reasons why I shouldn’t beat him to oblivion. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get out of my way.”

For a minute, Miles remains in place. His eyes darken with anger and I wonder if he’ll throw the first punch.

After a moment of contemplation, he steps aside. “Have it your way.”

“So you’re just gonna walk out!” Barclay yells at me.

I throw up a peace sign and step into the elevator. They can sort out whatever they need to and fill me in when I give a damn.

On the way down, I call Shanel.

She doesn’t answer.

Cursing softly, I storm out of the elevator and head to her class.

The teacher stops talking when I walk in. “Mister—Hawk.” He chuckles nervously, his gaze moving to the students who all turn and watch me. “Can I help you?”

My gaze scans the classroom.

No Shanel.

Without answering, I turn and stride down the hallway.

Where the hell are you, Speedy?

She’s not by her locker.

I get one of the janitors, Phyllis—an older woman I helped out once when she needed time off to visit her sick son—to check the ladies rooms for me.

“Sorry, Mr. Hawk.” She glumly licks her lips. “I don’t see her.”

Biting back a sigh, I thank her, ask about how her son is doing (he’s great, recovering nicely) and head down the hallway, more frantic than ever.

All kinds of crazy thoughts are jumbling through my head.

Did Miles kidnap her?