“How are you doing?”
“Good. I’m heading to class.”
“I just wanted to check in on you. See if you talked to Miles yet.”
“I did. We’re not reinstating the engagement.”
“He’s not fit to be anybody’s boyfriend, much less a husband. Trust me. This is the right call.”
“You don’t get to make those calls,” he says, his voice turning hard.
I skate to a stop. “Excuse me?”
“You do as you're told and that’s final.”
My snort of disbelief almost chokes me.
Kaz’s dad huffs. “I didn’t give you permission to break up with Miles.”
“I don’t need your per—”
“Are you arguing with me?”
“Yeah!” I throw my hands up. “Because you’re being completely unreasonable.”
“Miles was right,” Kaz’s dad mumbles, “you’ve gone crazy thinking you can make your own decisions.”
My heart stutters. “You can’t be serious.”
“Here’s the deal. We gave you to Miles’s family a long time ago. They already paid for that. We can’t go back on our word now.”
“I trust you understand what I’m saying.”
“You sold me. Like a piece of furniture. And now I have no choice.” My words are bitter. So is the horror sweeping my chest.
Kaz’s parents are even worse than mine.
“I’m glad you get it. Now, I’ll try to smooth things over with Miles parents and you can beg him to—”
There’s a pause.
“I won’t go back to Miles,” I add firmly.
“Yes, you will.”
“Or what?”
“You playing with me, girl?”
“You can’t force me to do anything I don’t want to.” I glare into the distance. “Sorry, but I’m not going to listen.”
“Then come home.”