From the first day, he complained that my voice caused a ringing in his head.

At the time, I chalked it up to his rudeness. Being an alpha-hole jerk is in his character description.

Turns out, I should have taken his words to heart.

Now the ringing in his head is powerful enough to knock him to the ground.

What happens if it kills him?

I dig my fingers into the straps of my knapsack as I nervously stroll down the hallway.

Every action has a consequence.

The fact that I’ve been changing the movie has weighed heavily on me every second that I’ve been here. It’s why I tried to get Hawk and Catherine back together.

I knew I was changing too many things—breaking my engagement with Miles, stepping in between the main characters, thwarting Lassandra’s first attempt to drag me down to the walk in freezer—for this world not to bite back.

I was waiting for something dire to happen.

But not to Hawk.

I thought the negative effects would only impact secondary characters. Extras. Nameless faces in the crowd. Maybe even people like Lassandra or the other members of B4 who could be interchanged to make the story work just like the Token Black Friend morphed to fit me.

I thought I could get Catherine and Hawk together in time to protect everyone.

Now I’m not so sure that I can.

Or that I want to.

That’s insane, right?

Hawk is insufferable. Cocky. Too smug for his own good.

But he’s also sweet.



Last night destroyed a wall between us. He held me as I cried over the wounds that he carried in his heart.

I’d felt his pain.

And he let me.

He tore back the layers.

Unveiled his secrets.

Offered himself willingly.

How could I resist that?

I knew his backstory already. Hell, I’d seen a similar version of what happened between us play out between him and Catherine in the movie. But seeing it happen and being there are two different things.

I felt… honored. I’m so used to being held at arms length—by my parents and by my exes—that I started to believe it was where I belonged.

In the background.