My cheek begins to throb as it recalls the heaviness of Lassandra’s hand.
I just need to avoid them.
Pulling my backpack in front of me, I duck behind a group of tall guys walking out the door.
My human shields turn the corner. I start to breathe easier, thinking I’ve gotten away when someone yanks on my hair.
I cry out in pain.
Lassandra sneers at me. “Where are you going, Speedy?”
“We meet again.”
“Get your nasty hands off me.”
“Didn’t I tell you to leave Hawk the hell alone?” she barks in my ear, her grip tightening. “Did you think I was joking?”
Her minions surround me.
This part of the movie was always entertaining to watch, but to live through? It’s torture.
She glares at me. “Didn’t I talk clearly last time?”
“No. You tend to lisp.”
She yanks my neck back.
I cry out in pain.
“Hawk is mine,” Lassandra hisses.
“No matter what you do, Hawk’s never going to look at you. Are you willing to chase a man who doesn’t like you for the rest of your life? Don’t you think that’s pathetic?”
Lassandra growls.
My words come faster and shorter. “He seems like your entire world now, but the truth is, you grow up. You graduate and you realize the world is bigger than you thought it would be.” And then the movie ends and you end up regretting how much you hurt everyone. “But I found out something. You have the power to change that. You can change your story. Right now. You don’t have to wait.”
“Shut up.”
“You and I are more alike than you think.”
“No, we’re not.”
“No.” She yanks me back. “You listen. Your mouth runs too damn much. Just looking at you annoys me.”
You don’t fill me with fluttery feelings either, girl.
“I think it’s time you learned a lesson.” Lassandra gestures to her crew, her eyes flashing angrily. “Grab her.”
“Don’t you dare touch me!” I swing my backpack desperately. “Stay back!”
Lassandra laughs. “Look at you trying to be brave.”
“I mean it,” my voice trembles. “Stay back or…”