But now?

I feel like singing at the top of my lungs.

I feel like dancing in the rain.

I’m happy for the first time in my life.




“Damn it.” I skate back into the classroom.

My heart thundering, I ease my head out slowly.

Lassandra and her crew are gathering outside, waiting in a group like rowdy pitbulls prowling the neighborhood.

“Stay the hell away from Hawk or I won’t be so nice next time.” Lassandra’s warning echoes in my ear.

I peer at the gang again.

They lounge against the lockers in casual defiance. Black seems to be their color of choice.

Black shirts under the school-regulated blazers.

Black nails.

Black earrings.

Black lipstick.

Walking stereotypes.

Which is pretty harsh of me to say.

In this movie, I’m the Token Black Friend.

I’m the girl everyone forgets about until it’s time to talk about ‘diversity’.

I know better than to judge people based solely on how they look.

But come on.

Lassandra’s heavy make-up, black T-shirt and big attitude are making a statement. An I’m hardcore, rebellious, and don’t give a damn statement.

I’ve watched this movie and I know how things go down. Whenever Lassandra shows up on screen, it results in Catherine’s misery.

I’m guessing we’re about halfway through the script. Lassandra is about to grab Catherine—well, me I guess—and lock me in the walk in freezer.

In the film, Catherine almost freezes to death until Hawk magically senses her need and goes to find her. After he rescues her, they share a sweet, romantic moment and Catherine starts to accept Hawk’s feelings.

But I’m not Catherine.

I don’t want to live through bullying for a second time—once in high school was enough.

And I’m not interested in having a romantic moment with Hawk either.