When she tries to move past me, I step in her way.

She glances up, wariness in her expression.

“I think we should talk… Kaz.”

Her eyebrows lift.

Fear tightens her lips.

She swallows and drops the garbage bag on the front stoop. Turning sharply on her heels, she whispers, “Let’s talk inside.”

Keep reading to find out my inspiration for this series—maybe we might share the same opinions?

Also, Kaz’s story is coming soon… read on to meet Kaz and Morgan’s creepy foe in CAUGHT IN YOU.

This idea has been so close to my heart for such a long time. I’m so happy to finally have it written and out in front of the world. And I hope you enjoyed Hawk and Shanel’s love story too. If you liked this book please leave a review now.

Want an exclusive bonus scene of Hawk and Shanel five years later? Join Nia’s newsletter for deals, sneak peeks, and your exclusive epilogue.

Author’s Note

This series has been on my heart for a while and I couldn't get it out of my head. Every time I watched my favorite romantic movies, the Token Black Friend called to me.

It’s easy to spot her. She never gets solid lines. It's always a 'sassy' refrain complete with an exaggerated eye roll.

Or she doesn't get any scenes at all except to prop up the main character.

And what about those poor Token Black Friends who die in the first act?

The Token Black Friend is known for being forgettable. Stereotypical. Expendable. But Shanel—and by extension all black women—are anything but that in real life.

I wrote this book because I wanted to answer the question: what if... a strong, secure, elegant black woman (who was also fiesty and out-spoken when she had to be) got swapped with the Token Black Friend in a 'typical' rom-com?

How would a three-dimensional, complex, fierce black woman function? Would she change the story? Would she break the mold? Would she snag the heart of the handsome male lead who has icy blue eyes and a cocky smirk?

The answer to all those things, of course, is yes.

Shanel took over that movie. But it wasn’t easy. Her struggle to accept how important she was, not only in that environment, but to her own story is one that echoes through every human being—black or white, man or woman.

It’s easy to feel like we’re not walking in our purpose or that we’re living as background characters inside a cruel script.

But the truth is, that you have control. You have all the power to change your circumstances. And you can. Just take that first step in being bold. Believe you can make it.

Because you’re the main lead of your story.

And we’re all waiting to see how you’re going to change the world.

Until the next whirlwind BWWM romance.

~ Nia

P.S. I hope you enjoyed Hawk and Shanel!

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Caught In You