He comes charging into the clearing. “Shanel, don’t go.”
“You don’t have time for goodbyes,” Morgan warns.
“Listen,” Hawk approaches me, “ever since the day that I met you, I knew that I’d met the woman I’d spend the rest of my life with. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to.” He glances at Morgan. “Can you take the two of us?”
“Can you take two people through that thing?”
“Hawk,” I shake my head, “you can’t just leave everything behind.”
“I can and I will.” He grabs my hand. “In a heartbeat.”
I squeeze it. “You always have to be right.”
He smirks.
Morgan frowns. “I’m afraid that’s impossible. We only calibrated for one person and even that is pushing too far.” His eyes meet mine. “You have to make a choice right now, Shanel. And, before you make a huge mistake, you need to know that the machine isn’t… working as planned. It’s falling apart as we speak. You might never get another chance like this.”
I glance at Hawk.
Certainty eases through my soul.
Giving me peace.
Making my path clear.
Moving briskly, I wiggle my bracelet off my wrist, the one that belonged to Jenna, and hand it to Morgan. “Please give this to my parents. Their names are Mary and Gilbert Waight. They live on Mercy Road in a little gated community on Elmer Street.”
“What are you doing?” Morgan demands, digging his foot into the dirt to hold on as his body starts to dim and the doorway’s suction starts dragging him back.
I return to Hawk’s side. Looking up into his blue eyes, I whisper the words that feel so right it makes me want to cry. “I’m staying.”
“Shanel! Reconsider this. You don’t know what—” Before he can finish his warning, he disappears in a burst of light.
I stare at the empty air where Morgan used to be.
That’s it.
He’s really gone.
My last chance for going home.
Gently, Hawk cups my cheeks and turns me to face him. “You sure about this?”
“More sure than I’ve ever been.”
His lips curl up. “I love you, Speedy. I promise I’ll take care of you.” His fingers gently caress one of my curls. “I don’t care what this movie wants. You’re my main lead. And you always will be.”
“I’m more than that,” I say.
“Are you?”
“I’m your lifesaver.” Digging my fingers into his shirt, I pull him in for a kiss.