“Scaredy cat.”
“Mom and Dad said we should stick together,” I remind her. “We’re supposed to come straight back home.”
“Stop being such a whiner-baby.”
“Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll go that way. Come find me when you’re done.”
“Suit yourself.” Jenna swims confidently.
I pick my way through the rocky path to the other side of the lake.
Faintly, I hear her splashing around.
The sun beats down on me.
I look for shiny stones for my collection.
Suddenly, I hear a shout, but it’s not my sister’s voice. I whirl around and see a boy in the lake.
“Help! Help!” He waves scrawny arms. “Help!”
“Are you okay?”
“Does it look like I’m okay!” he snaps before guzzling more water. “I’m freaking drowning!”
“Don’t yell at me.”
His head disappears.
It doesn’t come back up.
Panic fills me.
“Wait right there!” I toss my shoes and socks on the rocks and dive in.
The water is cold.
My lungs burn.
Forcing my eyes to stay open under the water, I look for the boy.
His pale skin looks green and his eyes are closed. I swim to where he is, wrap my arms around his slender torso and pull him up to the rocks.
He’s too still.
Is he dead?
I can’t do this alone.
“Jenna!” I scream, glancing over my shoulder. “Jenna, I need you!”
My sister doesn’t respond. It’s really quiet over there.
Is she playing a trick on me?