I appreciated the gesture, but it’s no use.

I feel like my world is ending.

And it is.

Sort of.

This world is ending for me. I’ll never see Hawk again.

There’s a part of me that wants to touch him, wants to kiss him just one more time before I go. But he hates me now.

No matter how much it hurts, that’s probably for the best. I don’t think I’d be able to walk through that door if I saw him.

“Come on.” Linda’s hold on me loosens and she leads me into the kitchen. “Let me make you a pot of tea.”

“I actually have somewhere to be—”

“You can spare a minute, can’t you?”

Actually, I can’t.


“Just for a minute,” I agree.

She fixes the tea and sets it on the counter.

As I look at the stove, I think about Hawk. He’d stood there just a few days ago wearing almost nothing and shooting me that trademark cocky grin while making me the best pancakes I’d ever had in my life.

My heart cries out, unable to handle my tortured emotions.

I squeeze my eyes shut to erase his face from my mind.

Linda clears her throat. “You know, Hawk’s been out on the boat for the past few days.”

I nod.

“He always takes the boat out when he’s upset, but it’s the first time he’s been gone this long.”

What does she want me to say? I’m sorry?

Linda sets her mug down. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really. If you don’t mind, I need to get to the doorway—”

She sighs. “What is it with you kids and that doorway?”

“You know about that place?”

“Of course.” She blows out an offended breath. “I know every inch of this property.”

“It looked like no one had been back there for years.”

“That’s because they haven’t. Not since Hawk’s uncle.”

“Uncle Henry?”

She nods. “A long time ago, Henry lived with us on the island. He was different than Timothy. He was a dreamer. Always inventing something. Always with his head in the clouds. He was horrible with money but great with his hands.”