Shanel lifts a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “It’s kind of my fault. Hawk was looking for me. He thought I was in trouble. I can’t speak for the method, but his intentions were good. If I go to Miles and explain that—”

“You’re not going anywhere,” I snap.

Her nostrils flare as her eyes sharpen on my face. “Says who?”

“Me.” I don’t trust Miles anymore. The reason Shanel had to leave Brighton Academy in the first place was because he ran like a coward and told her father on her.

Who knows what else he’ll try to get her back?

I shake my head. “You’ll stay put.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Measures will be put in place.”

“Measures? Are you going to put guards on me too?”

“Of course not.”

“Are you going to handcuff me to the bed then?”

“Only if you ask me nicely.”

Fitz turns red again.

Barclay laughs.

I lean back. “You’re being punished, remember? You agreed.”

“That offer expired this morning.”

“It stops when I say so.”

“I’m not your plaything, Hawk. And I’m not your maid anymore. I don’t take orders from you.”

“I don’t want you around Miles.”

“So? If I want to see Miles, I can.”

Jealousy rears its head. Why the hell is she insisting on this?

“Do you still have feelings for him?” I spit.

Her eyes narrow. Sparks fly out of them.

I know I’ve pushed the wrong button, but irritation claims my tongue and prevents me from taking the words back.

Shanel storms to her feet. “I can’t look at you right now.”

“They won’t let you out the gate,” I say when I notice her heading for the front door.

Shanel roars in anger, swings around and stomps through the servant’s hallway, probably heading to her old room. I’ll drag her out of there and park her in my bedroom where she belongs as soon as Fitz and Barclay are gone.

Barclay clears his throat. “So much for taking my advice.”

“I’m listening to her.” I arch an eyebrow. “But there needs to be a give and take.” I blow out a breath, my head hurting and my annoyance at its peak. “I need a favor.”

“What is it?”