Page 4 of Be My Compass

I’m not letting those thoughts into my head.

No freaking way.

I’m not a product.

I’m not a trophy.

I’m going to this stupid gala because she’s my mother. And I love her. And I want to make her happy because she chose me out of the hundreds of little orphans in that old building all the way across the world.

“I got work I need to finish, ma.” I wrench my tie down. “I’ll talk to you later.” I hang up on her and immediately grab my keys.

That suffocating feeling is crawling over me again. It’s sticking to my skin. Curling around my spine.

I leave the cold, empty office behind.

Right now, there’s only one woman who can give me warmth.



I fumble with my keys as I step out of the car and sweep my gaze over the street. The nearby lamppost isn’t working and heavy shadows creep toward me.

My fingers tremble.

Goosebumps pop over my skin.

The night sky is stunning. I’ll focus on that. On the sound of the ocean crashing against the sand. Palm trees begging for the stars. Winds howling through the leaves with rushing applause. This far from the beach, I can’t see the water, but I can hear it.

I tip my chin up.



Hazy stars struggle to brighten the dark sky.

The night is beautiful.

It’s safe.

It won’t harm me.

I pull my purse higher on my shoulder and briskly run my hands up my arms. Not that it helps. I’m wearing a sports bra and a flowing wrap skirt with a bold and colorful African print.

The bra leaves most of my torso exposed and the dashiki-inspired skirt flaps against my legs, trembling as if it wants to run away without me.

My house is up ahead. Only a few steps from the sidewalk to the safety of my living room. I glance at the mansion next door, hoping to see a light there. Something to make me feel less alone. Less vulnerable.

The window is dark.

My parents must be out.

I dig my fingers into my purse strap as my heart beats out of time. Hurrying my steps, I cross the lawn and head to my front door.

My phone vibrates in my hand.

The screen brightens with a text from Kastle.