Page 41 of Be My Compass

“Liar.” I get up and tug on her hands to drag her out of the couch. “You have an hour.”

Her laughter is music to my ears.

I grab my keys, my wallet and my cell phone and we bust out of the office.

My assistant jumps to her feet. “Mr. Jameson. Kaelyn.”

“I’ll be busy for the next hour or so. Can you help me out?”

“What? Sir—”

Kaelyn waves at her. “Bye!”

We charge through the door like little kids. We avoid the elevators. Too many eyes. Too many people expecting me to be the Jameson brand in motion. Expecting me to be the boss.

But I’m not in that frame of mind right now.

I’m with Kaelyn.

I’m free.

We dash through the exits and climb into my car. The beach is almost a half-hour away. It chews up what little time we scheduled, but I don’t care. She wants it and if Kaelyn asked me for the moon, I’d find a way to get it to her.

The sun beams over the thrashing waves. White foam spits against the sand before the tide drags the water back. I breathe in tangy, salt air and the knots around my chest loosen even more.

Mom, Harriet, the marriage arrangement and everything else feels so far away that I’m floating.

No one can touch me here, in this place I can only enter with Kaelyn by my side. This precious refuge she always leads me to just by smiling at me and looking into my eyes.

Kaelyn bends over and slips out of her shoes. “We’re never telling Brenna about this.”

“I think she’ll find out when you post the pictures.”

“Shush. I don’t need common sense right now. We’re being stupid and young.” She gives me a dazzling grin over her shoulder and my heart just about stops. Kaelyn slides the last strap off and wiggles her toes. “Come on.”

We fumble out of the car and head to the beach. There aren’t many people on the stretch right now. It’s too early in the day. Most folks are at work or hiding out until the sun’s descended a bit.

Sweat immediately forms rivulets on my skin. I shrug out of my jacket and fling it over my shoulder, wishing I’d thought to leave that thing in the car.

“Here. Let me.” Kaelyn takes my jacket and ties it around her tiny waist. I watch her slim hands move fast, tying the knot and then securing it tightly. She pats the jacket and beams at me.


“I know.” She tosses her hair cockily. “Now come over here. It’s time for another shot.”

“Where do you want me?” I ask.

She gives me a long, heavy look. The kind that says I want you all over me. Then she blinks and it’s gone.

Did I imagine it?

Kaelyn swoops in close. “Hold this.” She hands me her phone. I accept it from her, reddening when she reaches for my top button. Kaelyn notices my flush and a smirk lifts her lips. “You look like you’re going to a business meeting. We’re at the beach.” She undoes the next button. “It’s the closest we can get to a wardrobe change.”

Her fingers brush against my heated skin.

Right above the key and lock on my chest.

It’s a tattoo I got after the sleeve.