Page 150 of Be My Compass

“To me? Not with me?”

“That too.”

I laugh and follow my best friend into the sunshine.



Kastle’s hand on my back is warm and firm. I’m so glad I went with this backless dress. Skin against skin is always the best feeling.

Light music plays from a group of snazzy musicians. The strains of the violin fill my ears, haunting and mellow.

I lean into Kastle and whisper, “Think I could convince them to play Reflections?”

“From Mulan?” He grins in that you amuse me so much way. “Doubt it.”


He chuckles under his breath and leads me further into the banquet hall. There’s a giant banner on the wall featuring a little Asian kid with big black eyes. Behind him, probably photoshopped on, is a little black girl with an equally sad expression.

I’d joke and say it looks like us, but Kastle’s still sensitive about being here. About this cause. About his mother.

It’s only been a few days since he cut the strings.

It’s only been a few days since he started dictating his own steps.

But I’m there. Every step of the way. Right by his side.

“Oh, it’s Kaelyn and Kastle!”

We spin and find most of the Make It Marriage crew in attendance.

There’s Kayla, looking marvelously curvy in a low-cut sparkling peach dress that shows off her post-pregnancy body. She sparkles on Brendon’s arm and waves to us as they walk over.

“Where’s my god-daughter?” I ask.

Amina scrunches her nose. She’s stunning in a red sequined dress, her natural hair billowing boldly around her head. Matt stands proud and tall at her side, dwarfing her with his size and still managing to look like a hot lumberjack even though he’s traded his flannel for a fancy blazer and shiny shoes.

Venus rolls her eyes. “Do we need to argue about this again? The kid’s my god-daughter.”

“Our daughter is at home with my sister-in-law, Ariya.” Kayla gives Brendon a sweet smile. “This is my first fancy gala since she was born. I’m missing her already.”

“What do you say we ditch this place and go hang out at Brendon’s mansion?” Elizabeth asks, an eyebrow arched. Her light brown skin glows in a silver ball gown that clings to her body. I have no idea how she walks in that thing.

Brogan laughs at his wife and shakes his head. He wags a finger at Kayla and Brendon. “I hope you know you’re responsible for all this baby fever.”

“Lies.” Asia gasps. “I had baby fever long before I saw Kayla’s kid.”

Hansley wraps his arms around her. “Well, we certainly enjoy the process of making one.”

“Now that’s a man I can relate to.” Venus gives him a high-five.

Troy almost chokes on his drink.

“Wait a minute.” Kastle trains his eyes on each of them. “What are all the Make It Marriage women doing here?”

Tierra plays with her dangly earring. The sparkling gold matches the hue of the dress that clings to her body and shows off her long, dark brown legs. “We got invited.”