Not until I was faced with Ana’s nasal tone and high expectations built on air.
The server returns and slides a piece of paper over to me. “That’s what she’s drinking, sir.”
I snort when I read the label. The suit bought the cheapest wine he could. Is the tux a front? Can he not afford to buy her a proper drink? Or is he just biding his time until she agrees to sleep with him? Only then will he bother to wine and dine her?
My fingers curl into fists.
The note crumples beneath my hand.
“What does it say?” Ana cranes her neck.
“She hates that drink.” I fold the note up. Tuck it into my pocket. Kaelyn doesn’t drink wine often, but when she does it needs to be vintage. Rich in taste and flavor. With the undertones of something tangy. Bitter.
I pull the menu and scan the contents until I find what I’m looking for. Pointing to the best bottle in the house, I nod to the server. “Here. Give her this. And her date as well.” I pause. Tilt my head. “Send this too.” I indicate a meal that I know Kaelyn will love. “Yes. Send that and put it on my bill.”
Knowing Kaelyn, she hasn’t eaten properly all day. If she wants to play games, she needs her energy. If she’s going to keep it up, she needs to eat.
“A meal for the gentleman as well?” The server scribbles on his notepad.
He laughs. “And for you?”
He dips his head. “Who should I say it’s from?”
“She’ll know.”
He grins. Walks away.
Ana eases forward, pressing her elbows on the table. Her hair swings so close to the candle in the center I think she’s going to set her head on fire. She scoots out of the flame’s path just in time.
“That’s Kaelyn, isn’t it?” Her lips flatten into a firm, disappointed line. She glances across the room to Kaelyn’s table. “It’s her.”
I don’t bother with a reply.
“You’re trying to make her jealous?” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. Blonde waves cascade down pale skin and bold red fabric. “We should be working together.”
“I’m not trying to make her jealous.”
“But the drinks…”
“Jealousy is easy.” I peer at Ana. See the tiny flame reflect in her blue eyes. “It’s fragile.”
“What do you want then?” she whispers, her eyes locked on my mouth.
I ease over the table. Meet her halfway. “None of your business.”
She gasps.
I relax into my seat and wait.
My drink arrives first. And then the server walks over to Kaelyn.
I take a sip.
Feel the scotch go down my throat.