Page 117 of Be My Compass

The apology falls off his tense shoulders.

Harsh cheekbones press against his golden skin.

Dark eyes train on me.

“There’s more.” Kastle lifts his cell phone and plays a recorded message.

It’s Amelia’s voice from our heated conversation yesterday. “You’d really throw Glory in my face?”

“If I had to.”

The blood drains from my head and pools in my toes. Horror slaps me in the face. Despair grabs me by the throat and squeezes.

“I didn’t mean that,” I whisper.

“That wasn’t you?”

“No, it was, but…”

His nostrils flare. “Who the hell are you, Kaelyn?”

“I wasn’t going to do anything to Glory.”

“I want to believe you. I do.” His voice trembles and his eyes swim with unshed tears.

And that’s when I see it.

I broke us.

This isn’t about my lies or my fight with his mom.

This is about the fact that I used him to hurt her.

That I used his niece to hurt her.

I turn away from him. “Your mom. She just… she gets to me. I wanted to beat her for once. I wanted her to see that she couldn’t pull you around.”

“So you threatened to expose Glory to the press for me?”

I claw my hands on the armchair.

The candles are scented. It smells like a forest. Like a fantasy.

A dream that’s become a nightmare.

“If I had gone to you.” I look up. Meet his eyes. “If I had asked you to choose me over your parents, would you have?”

His lips turn down. He takes a step toward me. And then another.

My fingers dig into my palms. I stay still. Waiting. Not breathing.

When he’s right in front of me, he stops. Leans down. “We’ll never know now, will we?”

“That’s a freaking cop-out and you know it, Kastle.”

He shakes his head. “You are just like her.”

Anger flares in me. It burns hot and bright and, for some reason, I want to slap him. Instead, I knock past his shoulder and storm to the door, slamming it shut behind me.