Page 107 of Be My Compass

“I’ll see you when you get back, Kastle. Kiss Glory for me.”

“I will. I love you,” he says in a rushed, distant voice.

I love you.

Shock careens through my body. “What?”

He hangs up.


I pull the phone back. Stare at it.

I love you.

It’s not the first time Kastle’s said that to me, but there was something in his voice, something different. Something more meaningful than those hasty ‘love yous’ we’d fling at each other after pulling pranks or stirring up mischief or inconveniencing the other person with our request.

I stumble out of my car and drunkenly make my way to my front door.

I love you.

My heart is pounding so fast I’m sure it’s about to take flight. Take my whole body with it. I’ll soar through the air and never touch down.

I love you.

Amelia’s icy voice suddenly echoes behind me. “You’re getting home late.”

I spin and face her, immediately on the defensive. “What are you doing here?”

“Visiting your parents.” She points their way. Mom and dad are standing on their porch, waving brightly at me. They have no idea how vile Amelia really is. Or maybe they know, and they hide it for my sake. That would be like them.

I glare at Amelia with all the resentment in my heart. “What do you want with my parents?”

“Smile, Kaelyn. They’re watching.”

I scowl at her. “You don’t instruct me to perform, Amelia. Save that for the friends you pay to like you.”

Her laughter rings loudly, but her eyes are cold. “Were you always this rude?”

“What were you discussing with my parents?”

“This and that.”

“Details, Amelia.”

She pushes out her thin lips. “Why so cranky, dear? Did someone kick you out of your building?”

My eyes narrow as I struggle to rein in my temper. “I’m not even going to stoop to your level. Get off my property. Unless you’re plotting ways to kick my name off the deed and throw me out of my own home too.”

“First, I have something to discuss with you. Why don’t you open the door and we’ll talk inside?”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“It’s about Kastle.” She tosses her shoulder-length bob over her shoulder and it comes swishing back. “Do you really want to turn me away?”

I huff out a breath. Open my door. Let her in.

Amelia scrunches her nose when she sees my messy living room. Her eyes dart from my deep red curtains to my plants to my paintings. I can feel her judging everything. Hating everything.