Page 87 of Be My Compass

“What… what do you mean? They can’t just—”

“No. They can’t.” She shoots the nearest workman a blistering stare. “But they are.”

“We paid this month’s rent.” I glare at him. “This is illegal.”

“Ma’am, I’m only doing my job.” He scrapes his salt-and-pepper beard. “We were told to remove your belongings from the property immediately.” He shoves a paper in my face. “That’s all I’m here for.”

I snatch the paper from him. Inspect it closely.

The words jumble together.

Then I blink. Tilt my head.

And I see it.

A bold, bright red logo.

Brenna’s eyes narrow on me. “What is it?”

“Amelia,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Where does it say that?” She snaps the paper from me.

I slap my finger against the document. My dark hand looks especially brown against the crisp white paper. My nails scrape the red circle. “Here.”

“It doesn’t say Jameson.”

“No. It’s a subsidiary.”

“You’re telling me that Kastle’s mom bought this building?”

“The Jameson family has their fingers in everything.”

“Even real estate.” Brenna grimaces. “I see.”

The workman glances between the two of us. “We settled now? Can my men move in peace?”

Brenna turns to me with an almost accusatory sheen in her eyes. “I thought you and Kastle were best friends? I thought you were tight?” She frowns. “Don't tell me you confessed to him and he responded like this.”

“No. Of course not. Kastle isn’t like his parents.”

“Then? You’re saying his parents acted alone? But why? Why all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. Probably to make a point.” I sigh loudly.

“I thought his parents loved you?”

“They tolerate me.” I snarl up at the sky. “His mom thinks I keep Kastle in line.”

“In line with what?”

I dig my fingers into my purse. “We need to call a lawyer.”

“I already did.” She huffs. “I’m not going down without a fight.”

“You shouldn’t.” I nod.

Brenna grabs my shoulders. “Why does Kastle’s mom want to teach you a lesson? Did you talk to him? Did things go well? Are you together now?”