Page 72 of Be My Compass

“I’ll bring Kaelyn.”

“I’ll bring the smelling salts.”

I laugh.

He slaps my shoulder. “I’ll text you the address.”

As Ollie walks off, I tug my phone out of my pocket and think about what I just said.

She’s my girlfriend.

That was too easy. That word rolled off my tongue like honey.

It shouldn’t have been that natural.

What the hell am I doing?

I shake my head and promise myself I won’t refer to Kaelyn as my girlfriend again. I thought I’d need practice. Turns out, I don’t. It’s like I was waiting to say that. Like I’ve been saying that for years.

I have to remember that it’s not real.

We’ll play this game until there’s no need and then it’ll end. Just like that. I can’t form bad habits along the way. That’s not fair to Kaelyn.

Dragging myself off the bench, I head to the showers and quickly change for work. My hair’s still dripping wet when I walk into the office half an hour later.

My assistant gives me a secret smile when I stride past her desk.

I pause. Check my pants to make sure my zippers not down.

Nope. I’m good.

“Sir?” She blinks, that grin still in place.

I run a hand through my wet hair. “Something wrong?”

“No sir.” She’s showing off all thirty-two of her teeth.

I scrunch my nose. “Alright then.”

Reaching out, I open the door of my office.

Immediately, I see a pair of shoes kicked off near my desk. A purse thrown haphazardly on the arm of the chair. A gift bag nestled in the corner of the sofa.

I inhale. Exhale.

It’s not weird.

No. Not weird at all.

We kissed.

We made out.

But we’re still Kastle and Kaelyn.

We’re still us.

“When did you get here?” I ask, picking up her heels and setting them on their right side, both pointing towards the door.