“That we’re together.”
My heart jumps straight to my throat.
Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?
I fully expected to coax my way into this arrangement. Sure, I would have given Kastle the final decision. I don’t ever want to be like his manipulative mother who does whatever she can to get her way.
But I wasn’t taking no for an answer either.
Kastle covers my hand with his own. “I’m going to protect you from the press as much as I can, but it’s not going to be easy. Or pretty.”
“I know. I’ve been there when girls flock you, remember?” A scowl taints my expression. It really, really sucks that Kastle’s so hot. And famous. And kind. And everything a woman could ever want in a man. It’s not like I can blame the female population for noticing.
“Mom’s going to come after you.”
“Of course.”
“She’s not going to play fair.”
“Listen. Do you think I was born yesterday?” I toss my curls out of my eyes. “I made this choice knowing the consequences. I’m ready to take them all.”
His thumb rubs over the back of my wrist. “Then we’re doing this.”
“We are.”
“We’re dating.”
“As far as the world knows.”
He nods. Stares at me.
I try not to squeal in excitement. It’s not exactly what I wanted.
To pretend. To fake it.
My feelings are very, very real.
But this is the best option.
I can have Kastle without putting our friendship at risk.
I can touch him and claim it means nothing.
I can kiss him and call it pretend.
I’m sure I’ll be able to keep myself in check. Even if I can’t, I’ll find a method of restraint. There’s no way I can let him know I’m in love with him for real.
“We announce it at the banquet,” Kastle says, ever the voice of rationality. “We do what we must to convince people we’re together and to throw my mom off the scent. One week.”
I jerk my hand back. “Just one?”
“You think we can convince her in a few days?”
“That’s…” I blink rapidly. “That’s not a lot of time.”
“I only want to send a message.” His eyes narrow and the muscles in his jaw clench. “Get this marriage agency idea out of her head. When I accomplish that, I’ll be satisfied.”