She answers on the third ring. “Kastle! Have you already filled out that Make It Marriage questionnaire?”
“Is it true?”
I glance at Heath. “You already have someone in mind for me.”
She laughs and doesn’t try to deny it. “Yes, of course. Do you think I’d trust strangers to match my son? Oh, no no. Harriet’s daughter is perfect, and she’s already signed up to the agency. We’re just waiting for you now.”
“You bribed the matchmakers?”
“Heavens no. Just a little gaming of the system. Why? Does Harriet’s daughter not do it for you? She’s a little young, but who cares? Age is just a number. And you can shape her into whatever you want her to be.”
“Mom, I can’t—”
“Don’t. Don’t make me sad, Kastle. We’re going to have a smooth ride to the wedding altar, won’t we? You’re not going to start acting out now, are you? After all we’ve been through?”
A deep, pulsing resistance rises within me.
Maybe it’s spite.
Maybe it’s rebellion.
Whatever it is, I grit my teeth and hang up without answering.
“I was right,” Heath says quietly, staring at my face.
My chest heaves on a stilted sigh.
“What are you going to do now?”
“What I want to do.” I meet Heath’s eyes. Let an unfamiliar determination show in mine. “I’ll play this game on my terms.”
Kastle’s assistant grins at me as I step into the office. She nods a friendly hello. “Nice to see you, Kaelyn. You’re just in time. The other Mr. Jameson dropped in for a visit not too long ago.”
“Heath’s here?”
She nods.
“Good.” I turn around and sit in the chair. “I’ll wait.”
“You won’t go in?”
“I’ll give them a moment to catch up.”
She stands to her full frame. “Can I offer you something to drink?”
“I can get it myself,” I say, pushing to my feet.
“Ma’am, I can’t allow you to do that.”
“Am I banned from the kitchen now?”
“No ma’am.”