Page 28 of Be My Compass

My gaze flits to my coffee mug.

More coffee. Maybe that’ll calm me.

I know I’m not in danger. Technically.

But my brain has this habit of flipping back to that day. To that moment.

And I lock up.

I can’t afford to do that.

Not when I’ve come so far.

My phone dings with a private message. Could be a fan. Or another sponsor.

Being an ‘influencer’ means constantly keeping my cell close. Always being willing to answer queries and questions. Exposing more of myself than I ever have before.

Though, not as much as Kastle.

He didn’t have a choice.

I do.

That’s the difference.

It’s still a lot. Especially given my past, but I accept the responsibility. As one of the few mainstream ‘influencers’ of color, I don’t want to make it harder for the next black woman who wants to walk in these shoes. I need to persevere even if it scares me.

My phone chirps again.

It’s a call this time.

From Amelia Jameson.

My mind crowds with irritation.

This woman really shouldn’t bother me as much as she does. It’s because of her that I got to meet Kastle. That should count for something.

And it does.

But not much.

I huff and let the call go to voicemail.

A moment later, there’s a ding.

AMELIA: I’m guessing Kastle already told you about the party. It’s a nice chance to take some of your little pictures and make white people feel guilty about the things their ancestors did. Why don’t you come along?

My teeth grit together.

Every time Amelia meets me, she talks down to me and makes fun of my job.

I shouldn’t let that get to me.

I should—

Hell, I hate that woman.

If there’s even a slim chance that I can ruin her plan and help Kastle in the process, I’m taking it.