My niece claps her hands. “What?”
“More…” I point at Kaelyn dramatically.
“Stuffed…” Kaelyn plays along.
Heath glares at me and growls, “Animals.”
Glory squeals in victory as she pulls out the teddy bear with thick, black twists just like hers. “Thank you, Uncle Kastle.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” I press a kiss to her head. Then I move over to Kaelyn, push her curls back and press a kiss on her head too.
“Thank you, Uncle Kastle.” She grins.
Heath pretends to gag. “Gross.”
I turn to my brother. “Have you found an apartment yet?”
“I’m looking.” He takes a seat and pulls it up to Glory’s bed. She beams at him and shows him her toy. Heath nods and then glances up at me. “I just arrived today. I was thinking I could try to look for places close to the hospital tomorrow. Elvira’s coming with me.”
“That’s good. She’s a woman of class so she’ll keep you from buying a dump.”
“You saying I don’t have class?” Heath scowls.
“Wasn’t that obvious?”
“Forget it. I’m taking Kaelyn with me instead.” Heath points at my woman. “Elvira can stay with Glory.”
“You want a black eye?” I hold up a fist.
“What? You weren’t complaining when I said I’d take Elvira.”
“The only person Kaelyn’s going house hunting with is me.” I point to my chest.
Heath smirks. “Guess I’ll have to make do with Elvira.”
I know he’s only teasing. We all adore Grace’s elderly caretaker. It was a relief when she decided to follow Heath and Glory here. She’s become a part of the family and it makes sense that Heath would get her opinion on a new place.
“I was hoping you could stay with Glory?” My brother adds.
“Of course. You don’t even have to ask.”
Glory’s laughter grabs our attention and I turn around to find Kaelyn tickling my niece gently and falling onto a pillow with her. The two pick up stuffed bears and start talking to each other with them.
Glory’s happy enough to burst and Kaelyn looks like she’s right in her element.
Sunlight streams through her tight curls.
In the brown eyes that see me. That know me.
In the smile that can brighten my entire day.
I imagine her with my kid. Our kid. A child we adopt or one she gives birth to. It doesn’t freaking matter. Maybe we have both. Spread the love and give another kid without a family the opportunity we were both given.
She’ll be an amazing mother. An amazing wife.
Should I go buy a ring tomorrow? Is that too soon? We just made things official yesterday. Is that rushing? I’ve known her all my life. She’s everything to me. Do I need more confirmation? More time to know that we fit in all the right places? That she fills me in all the right ways?
Heath clears his throat. “Can I see you for a minute, Kas?”