“Yes, you have a very funny woman.”

Jewel cringed.

Finn pinned his lips together to hide his amusement. “You can give the clothes to me, ma’am.”

The woman shook her head and pointed to the tiny bundle in Jewel’s arms. “She’s only getting that.”

“And what I’m wearing,” Jewel added.

Finn gave Jewel a proper once-over and realized she wasn’t hiding behind his hoodie anymore. Instead, she wore a fitted T-shirt and jeans. The arms of his jacket were tied around her waist, hiding her rear-end from view.

He almost smirked.

That was definitely intentional.

Baby steps.

Jewel noticed where his eyes had ducked and cleared her throat nervously, “Do you have a problem?”

“None. I’m happy if you are.” He pulled out his wallet and handed the money over. Winking, he thanked the clerk. “You did a great job.”

“No problem.” She laughed and tucked the money into her purse.

They waited around for a plastic bag and then headed out of the store to explore the rest of the market.

Jewel seemed more relaxed now than earlier.

Curious, he studied her. “What were you two talking about back at the shop?”

“Her kitten. She was sleeping behind the dressing rooms so we had to tiptoe around her,” Jewel said, smiling sweetly.

Moments like this, the fact that she was only nineteen smacked him in the face. Nineteen. Only four years older than Courtney when she died. Practically a kid.

They’d both been forced to grow up before their time, but his heart was completely hardened.

That wasn’t the case with Jewel. There were still glimmers of innocence, still a thirst for the better things in life—love, trust, companionship.

Finn almost envied her for that.

“Sweet tambran, cut-a-brut, powda bun!” a voice called from a nearby booth.

Finn noticed the way Jewel’s gaze darted to the pastries. He jutted his chin that way. “You want any?”

“No. I’m good.” She sighed happily. “I was just thinking about my old days here, selling fudge.”

Finn glanced at the booth and tried to imagine Jewel shyly calling out to pedestrians with her basket of fudge.

He couldn’t.

“Come on.” He tugged her sleeve. “I’ve been craving something sweet.”

“Fine. But I’m paying.”

The determination in her eyes sparked a crazy reaction in his body. He smiled like a fool, marveling at the strength that simmered in her, a strength she unleashed without even knowing.

Finn opened his mouth to tease her when he caught a movement in his periphery.

A man in a white shirt and khakis aimed a phone at them. The stranger caught Finn’s gaze and ducked his head, stumbling toward a kiosk to hide.