“I’ve got a general idea.” He smirked. “Why is every store closed on Sunday?”

Puzzled, she answered, “Most people are at church or resting before Monday.”

“Then this is the only option.” He took determined steps forward.

Jewel squinted against the harsh sunlight and took off after him. Sweat beaded on her chest beneath the thick sweatshirt.

Gosh, she hated wearing these suffocating long-sleeved straitjackets.

Finn led her into the Belize City market. Most of the wooden stalls were closed, but a few had thrown their doors wide and placed open signs on the posts. The scent of sawdust and spices filled the air.

Jewel frowned. “Finn, what are we doing here?”

“What do people do at markets, Jewel?” He arched an eyebrow.

Annoyance filled her at his smug tone. “Is this really the time for sightseeing? I thought you had a flight that leaves at ten?” And I have to book a boat ride to San Pedro so I can grab my brother.

“Oh, I cancelled that,” he said casually.

Her jaw dropped. “What?”

“Yeah.” Finn strode into a booth that had clothes hooked up on a wire line.

She thrust a long dress aside and dove in after him. “When did you decide to do that?”

“Good morning!” A thick woman with tan skin, thin black hair pasted back into a bun and a pudgy build greeted them.

“Morning,” Finn said, smiling charmingly at her.

The woman immediately adopted a Yankee accent, talking in near-perfect English. “I have many clothes. Almost new. Very good prices. Are you looking for yourself or your lady?”

“I’m not his lady,” Jewel mumbled.

Finn gestured to her. “Bring me everything you think will fit.”

A huge grin growing on her face, the woman wandered off to complete Finn’s task.

Jewel frowned and spun in front of him. “What are you doing?”

“Buying clothes.”

“For me?”

“Did I say that? I don’t remember using those words…”

“I don’t need clothes,” Jewel huffed. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t ask you to buy them for me. I’m not a charity case.”

Finn stepped closer to her, his impressive height forcing her to tip her chin back just to stare into his eyes. “Look, you ran away from home with nothing but the clothes on your back and now you’re stewing in this heat”—he gestured to the sunlight—“with a hoodie on. Just let me do this for you.”

Do I really look that pathetic.

“You’re not pathetic or a charity case,” Finn said as if he could read her thoughts.

“I can’t,” Jewel insisted.

“Why not?”

“Because you shouldn’t be wasting your money on me.”