“No, no problem.” He eyed Jewel with clear appreciation. “I didn’t know you had a guest.”

Finn stepped to the side, blocking the clerk’s view of Jewel. “Is that a problem?”

“No. No problem. Not unless she’s staying with you indefinitely? Then we would need to sign her in. No extra charge of course.” The clerk arched an eyebrow in question. “Will she be here a while?”

He rubbed his chin. Kross could show up today, tomorrow or next month. Things were up in the air until he figured out what his and Jewel’s next step would be.

“I’ll get back to you on that,” Finn said, tapping the desk. “By the way, I’m expecting a friend to arrive in a few days. He’ll need a room too.”

“I’ll reserve the suite next to yours.”

“Great.” Finn straightened and turned to stride away.

“Wait, Mr. Robinson.” The clerk called him back. “That wasn’t the reason I needed to see you.”

Finn folded his arms over his chest, slightly annoyed. The clerk’s eyes kept darting to Jewel and it bothered him. “What?”

“Someone left a package for you last night.”

“Really?” Intrigued, he stepped closer. “When?”

“I wasn’t the one working the desk, so I couldn’t tell you.” He pulled out a slim envelope and handed it over.

Finn inspected the package. It felt lighter than a feather.

Was it dangerous? It was too light to be a bomb. Was it a threat?

The first thing that popped into mind was Kross, but the maniac didn’t strike him as the type to go to all the trouble of cutting letters out of newspaper.

From all he’d learned, Kross loved appearances more than anything. Taking the time to pen a letter just to scare someone was beneath him.

“Who’s it from?” Finn asked.

“Don’t know. You’ll have to ask the other guy and he won’t be back until tonight for his shift.”

Finn inspected every inch of the envelope and finally noticed the postage stamp. It was from his hometown.


He hesitated a second before he slid his thumb beneath the flap and slowly preened it open. When he looked into the yawning gap, he found a document.

The clerk craned his thick neck, eyes bulging. “What is it?”

“Could you send this to my room?” Finn asked. He’d check it fully later. Whatever Tiff had sent him, it wasn’t something he could deal with now.

“No problem.” The clerk sighed and wiped his temple. “But those stairs are steep, noh? He slid his hand, palm up, over the desk. “If only I could buy a nice cool drink…”

Finn dug into his pocket for some change. He slapped a five-dollar bill into the man’s hand. “Thanks.”

“No, thank you.”

Finn turned stiffly on his heels and returned to Jewel’s side. She shot to her feet when she saw him coming. Her fingers nervously scratched at her wrist as she said, “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine.” He nodded to the exits. “You ready?”

She strode ahead of him.

Finn hung back, lost in his thoughts. Tiff wanted him to return to reality, but that was one request he couldn’t honor.