She wrung her hands, gaze on her shoes. “You wouldn’t… have an extra toothbrush, would you?”

Luckily, Finn had purchased a pack of toothbrushes. He handed a new one to Jewel and pointed to the bathroom. “You can wash up first.”

“Thanks,” she said softly.

“And here.” He handed over one of his T-shirts and a pair of jogging pants. “I know the pants probably won’t fit, but it should be more comfortable than sleeping in that dress.”

She nodded and slinked toward the bathroom.

He watched her until she disappeared behind the door and then texted Nolan.

FINN: Change of plans. I’m staying in Belize.

His phone remained silent.

He wasn’t expecting a response. The time difference meant that Nolan was probably asleep.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Jewel lumbered out. His T-shirt fell to mid-thigh. She’d put her hair up in a bun and held the bundle of her dress in the crook of her arm.

In quick, almost desperate steps, she leaped into the bed and dove under the covers. Finn almost chuckled, sensing that she was uncomfortable showing that much skin around him, even if she trusted him more than other men.

He pushed himself up and strode to the bathroom to get ready for sleep.

Not that he expected to do much sleeping tonight.

Finn was too keyed up. In fact, he couldn’t wait until tomorrow. If not for the fact that Jewel needed him to protect her—and that the smarter thing would be to wait for Kross to show up rather than waste energy seeking him out—he’d scour the city, searching the places someone like Kross would dock up.

It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but at least it would be better than driving himself crazy staring at the walls.

When he was finished in the bathroom, Finn moved to the bedding on the floor and crawled on top of it. The moment his back touched the ‘bed’, his body protested. Even with the quilt between him and the ground, the floor was unbearable.

Finn turned to his side.

Then the other side.

No position felt comfortable.

“Finn?” Jewel’s soft voice broke through his frustration.


“Can you tell me about your sister?”

He froze, his mind buzzing with a million thoughts.

“It’s just… I’m worried about Juney and I need to think about something else to get my mind off it.”

He cleared his throat. “What do you want to know?”

“Whatever you want to tell me.”

He settled his head in his palm and spoke softly. “Courtney was… sunshine. She was always beaming from ear-to-ear. It didn’t take much to make her happy.”

“What did she want to be when she grew up?”

“A dancer.” He cleared his throat as the memory of that day washed over him. “She’d watch music videos for hours. Once, I made a crack about her getting up and doing something about her obsession with dance. And… she did.” His throat clogged. Finn choked out, “She went to an audition.”

“Did she get in?”