But one just the same.

“That night, he threatened that he’d hurt Juney if I didn’t cooperate. I thought he wanted me to sleep with him. But he didn’t.”

Finn sucked in a breath. “He wanted you to watch.”

“It was like he was trying to educate me, but he was only tormenting me instead. I felt disgusting and dirty when he was done with his women. Afterwards, he would come and ask me what I thought. He wanted me to tell him I enjoyed it.”

“Did you?”

She hung her head. “I had no choice.”

“I’m not asking that.” He studied her. “Did you enjoy it?” Finn had no idea why he was asking such a personal question. Jewel seemed traumatized by everything Kross had done to her.

And yet… he couldn’t get over this niggling thought.

Why hadn’t she tried to escape?

“Do you think I wanted to be hauled around at all hours of the night to watch some man have sex?” Jewel spit.

“You’re right.” He backed off, sensing that he’d hit a nerve. “I’m sorry.”


“What about tonight? Did you see him?”

“No. He called.”

Finn hardened his jaw. His pulse was thrumming. He needed to catch Kross, wring his little neck. And he needed to do it right now. “What did he say? Did Kross want to meet you again?”

“He said he missed me,” Jewel stammered. “That I belong to him. I think he’s coming for me.”

Finn felt an inexplicable emotion. This was the moment he’d been waiting for since Courtney was killed seven years ago.

He’d send that prick straight to hell.

“Where? When?”

“I don’t know.” Jewel sighed in exhaustion. “Look, I’ve given you everything I can, but it feels like my head is about to explode.”

Finn reined himself back in.

Jewel had given him enough to go on for now. Unless Kross snuck into the guesthouse tonight, he’d have to pursue all the leads she’d provided and hunt him down tomorrow.

“You should lie down. Take the bed.” Finn strode to the blanket and turned down the covers. “I’ll book another room—”

“No!” Jewel blurted.

He eyed her.

“It’s just… I feel safer. With you here. You don’t have to leave.”

Finn blinked.

Jewel glanced away. “If you don’t want to…”

“No. I’ll stay.”

He tugged the comforter off the bed and folded it in half on the floor. Jewel handed him a pillow and he dropped it at the edge of the blanket.