
“It’s just as awkward for me as it is for you ladies,” Doctor Kelly said.

“Yeah?” My eyebrows scrunched.

He slipped one hand into his coat pocket. “You’re going to be alright, Portia.”

My heart bu-dumped.

I slapped my chest and glanced away from him. Down, Portia. Today, I’d learned I was pregnant and lost the baby all in one brutal blow.

Sure I was still on the fence about having kids, but that was had nothing to do with the fact that I’d almost given birth to one.

I had bigger fish to fry. There would be no heart-eyes at my hot gynecologist.


Chapter 3


“How’d she take it?” Tawny sidled toward me, her brown eyes expectant, her plump lips pursed.


“Portia Robinson?”

I pictured the attractive woman lying in the hospital bed waiting to be discharged. “Well enough. I don’t think it’s sunken in yet.”

“Poor thing. She didn’t even know about the baby. Is the father coming?”


“Why? He stuck at work?”

I just grunted and finished filling out the form, handing it off to the admin desk. Discussing patient case details was not a habit of mine and I didn’t plan on starting now that I was in Belize.

Gossip was commonplace in every environment but especially in a private hospital like the Belize Medical Center. I’d never encountered a grapevine more efficient than this one.

If they ever found out what happened back home…

But they wouldn’t.

The only person who knew my secret was the director and she’d assured me that my past would remain under lock and key for the duration of my tenure here.

I didn’t plan on betraying her trust in any way.

“Can you explain what Ms.”—I remembered the patient’s husky plea to call her by her first name—“Portia should look for in the next few days?” I strode down the hallway. “Assure her that a little spotting might occur. She might be concerned.”

Tawny followed me. “Ay, Doctor Kelly. You know I’ll take care of things.”

“Please be gentle. She’s very overwhelmed.”

“Of course.”

“I set up another appointment in the next two weeks, but she should come in if there’s any emergency—”

“Doctor Kelly!” A thick woman with long brown hair and a red mouth with more volume than a megaphone slipped into my path. She wore a huge pearl necklace and a tight-fitting blue jumpsuit that hugged her beach-ball stomach.