Here I was. A five-foot-six black girl. Curly hair. Scrawny arms. Thick thighs. Brown eyes ringed with guilt.


Those stormy blue orbs of his made me squirm. Maybe he thought this was karma. Punishment for hooking up with someone on a steamy tropical island and not worrying about the consequences.

Maybe I was being way too critical.

I’d give a hundred bucks to crawl into Doctor Shawn Kelly’s mind.

But something told me the man was a steel trap.

He finally glanced at his files, breaking the stare-down. “Miscarriages are very common in the first few weeks of pregnancy. The exact rage is unknown as some women, like yourself, have miscarriages without ever realizing they were pregnant.”

“How”—I clear my throat—“how far along was I?”

“Six weeks.”

I inhaled swiftly, rejecting the information.

Doctor Kelly waited patiently and then explained, “That’s right around the time that most women would realize they were pregnant. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

“I really had no idea.”

“You were in pain and bleeding heavily because you were so far along during the miscarriage. The cervix was dilating and releasing fluids.”

“Are you saying I passed the… baby?”

“Most of it. Like I said earlier, there’s still some tissue left. You can choose to complete the miscarriage naturally at home, which I recommend, or we can arrange an aspiration procedure—”

“Natural. I want natural. No needles.”

“There are no needles in aspiration. Only a small tube inserted into the uterus. The tissue is removed through suction.”

“I’m good.”

He scribbled something down. “I’ll recommend a prescription for the pain.” Turning his wrist over, he checked his watch. “I’d guess that the rest of the tissue will be released sometime between tonight or tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” He stood.

I eased up. “Doctor Kelly.”

He arched an eyebrow.

I licked my lips and played restlessly with my fingers. “I apologize. For earlier. I didn’t mean to question your abilities or your professionalism.”

Doctor Kelly smiled.

My heart tripped over itself, overwhelmed by the magnificence of his face when he loosened up. It was like the sun emerging from a cloud.

“It’s okay. I understand that it’s uncomfortable to talk to a man about these sensitive issues.”

“It wasn’t personal. I, honestly, get uncomfortable when it’s a woman doing the tests.”

“Do you want to know a secret?”

I shrugged, my mind jumbling up from the force of his perfect smile. The man might as well quit his day-job and go model for Colgate.