“It’s okay.” I breathed in deeply. “The pain’s not so bad now. I can wait a bit longer.”

“We’ll stay as long as it takes,” he said, patting my hand in a fatherly gesture.

“Don’t you have that meeting…?” Amanda mumbled under her breath.

“Right.” He shot me a sheepish look.

“Go.” I waved them away. “You too, Amanda. I can handle it from here.”

“I don’t want to leave you by yourself.” Amanda blinked thick eyelashes and pouted.

Being alone and away from her exaggerated looks of pity would only help me. “I’ll be fine. I’ll call my dad if anything.” I pointed my chin to the door. “You’ve both got work to do. Don’t worry about me.”

Amanda reached over and gave me a hug while Mr. Franklin nodded. I patted her bony arm and offered a strained smile to let them know I’d survive.

“We’ll take a taxi back,” Mr. Franklin said, handing over my keys.

They left.

The pain started again.

My face mottled and I folded in half, digging my fingernails into the black cushions. What was wrong with me?

Straining to a sitting position, I raised an arm. “Excuse me. Nurse? When can I see the doctor? My cramps are getting worse.”

She took one look at my face and gripped my arm. “Just a few more minutes, ma’am. They’re both in sessions at the moment.” She put her fingers to my wrist and checked my pulse. Her expression gave nothing away, but I could feel her anxiety when she muttered, “Hold on, okay?”

I took her advice, clinging to consciousness. It felt like someone had poured molten lava inside me, but the last thing I wanted to do was pass out on these germy floors.

The same nurse appeared again seconds later, a determined expression on her face. “Doctor Kelly can see you now.”

I almost bawled in relief and shuffled behind the nurse to one of the doors on the right. She ushered me inside and the subtle fragrance of cologne hit my nose.

That was my first hint.

The massive hunk sitting in the chair behind the desk was my second.

I glanced around. “Where’s the doctor?”

“This is Doctor Shawn Kelly.” The nurse-turned-royal-herald gestured with her hands, a smile curving her lips. “Don’t be nervous. He’s a very skilled gynecologist with years of experience.”

Through the haze of pain and confusion, I surveyed the doctor wondering how many ‘years’ the nurse was referring to.

Doctor Kelly was young. Blonde. Blue eyed. He looked tall, even though he was sitting in a chair behind a small desk. His shoulders were broad and his chest massive. He reminded me of a hockey player on vacation in the Caribbean.

This was the gyno?

“No thank you.” I trembled and wrapped an arm over my stomach to keep myself steady.

It was a struggle to be polite when I really wanted to scream, “Hell no! It’s awkward enough when a woman peers into my lady bits. You expect me to open my legs for some strange man I’ve never met?”

Technically, in another context and setting, I’d be down for that. But not today.

The nurse frowned. “If you’d like to wait for Doctor Pamela, it’ll take a while. She’s doing an emergency C-section.”

I chewed on my bottom lip. This pain was excruciating, but even that couldn’t change my mind. It was a solid no for the male gyno.

“I’ll have to wait.”