Something New
Love In Many Shades Series
Cece & David
Cece & David 2
Cece & David 3
Cece & David 4
Lovesick Series
Sneak Peek
Swipe on for a sneak peek of my next project ‘His Exception’.
Chapter 1
“WHAT. THE. HELL!” I let loose a bellowing expletive as a sudden, searing pain exploded in my torso, shoveling through my abdomen with the force of a Category Five hurricane.
I dropped the bottle of water I’d just plucked from the mini fridge and clutched my stomach. Waves and waves of pain lashed against my insides. Relentless. Merciless. Crushing.
I groaned, the sound more guttural than any I’d made in my entire life. Which was fitting, since I’d never experienced this level of agony in my entire life.
Bowled over, panting for air and praying for some form of deliverance—even if it was death—I stared at my spiky black pumps, tucking my bottom lip between my teeth and biting down hard.
The pain subsided far more slowly than it had come. I straightened, testing my body for any resistance. There was still a dull thud in my lower stomach, but at least I could move.
I’d been experiencing cramps since last night. Which had been cause for celebration given the calendar had glibly informed me that my monthly visitor was about three weeks late.
Cramps meant I had my period. A good thing. Except I’d never had such excruciating pain on my period before. So… that was a bad thing.
I stepped forward and felt something sticky on the bottom of my foot. Water had spilled on the floor from where I’d dropped my bottle. I spied the cap on its side about three feet away.
“Great. Just great.” I snagged a couple napkins from the counter and danced around the pool of liquid spreading on the ground so I didn’t muddy the kitchen.
I’d take a pill after I cleaned up and hopefully, those split-my-body-in-two cramps behaved until I went home at five and could focus on whatever was causing them.
Kneeling in the tight pencil skirt was a challenge, but I got the job done. Ignoring the slight ache in my lower abdomen that had lingered since the earlier, bone-crushing pain, I reached out and took my first swipe.
That’s when the cramps came back.
And this time, it was with a force so powerful it felt like a monster had taken a chomp out of my body. Flames of pain ricocheted from my stomach to my lower back and I dropped to the ground.
The good news: it wasn’t a far distance given I was kneeling.
The bad news: I couldn’t get up.