Brown hair was brushed back, revealing his broad forehead and searing hazel eyes. Scruff surrounded his firm lips, making him look both rough and sophisticated. Broad shoulders strained against a grey blazer.

His outfit was simple—jeans and sneakers yet he looked fit to walk the runways.

Finn approached her, his gaze not leaving her face for a moment. He stopped directly in front of her and shook his head. “Am I in heaven?”

Jewel’s nerves loosened as she chuckled. “No, I’m pretty sure you’re not.”

“Guys, let’s take a picture!” Sky ushered them together.

Carrie smirked. “Do you think this is prom?”

“They look so cute. I want to commemorate the occasion. Scoot over, Jewls.”

Jewel shuffled to the left, exchanging a sheepish smile with Finn.

“More,” Sky said from behind her cell phone. “More. Now put your arm around her.”

“Are you okay with that, Jewel?” Jo prodded, noticing how close she and Finn were already standing.

Sky gasped. “Shoot. Sorry. You don’t have to do that.”

Jewel looked up at her handsome date.

He shrugged. “I’m game if you are.”

She nodded, slightly trembling when Finn put his hand on her waist. She wasn’t unfamiliar with his touch, but reacquainting herself with it in this new phase of her life felt strange.

Exciting, but weird.

“You guys look so good together,” Sky gushed.

“It’s true.” Jo gave them a thumbs up.

Finn lightly squeezed her side and she glanced up at him. He licked his bottom lip and studied her face. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

She chuckled. “Yes.”

With his hand still on her side, he leaned down so she didn’t have to stretch her neck so far to look into his face. “I’m proud of you, but I’m also worried.”

“About what?”

“Other guys getting this familiar.”

“I’m not running around letting random people get all up in my personal space, Finn,” she murmured. “I’m okay right now because it’s you.”

His eyes softened and then darkened with desire in such quick succession that she almost gasped. Finn’s grip tightened and she squirmed, realizing that he was angling down for a kiss in front of her friends.

She put a hand to his chest and laughed nervously. “Sky, did you get all your pictures?”


“Then we better go.”

Eyes at half-mast, Finn murmured. “I second that.”