“I do?”

Finn leaned forward too, bringing his face close to hers. “A dance. We left Sky’s wedding reception before I could collect.”

Jewel laughed softly. “I’m afraid that offer’s expired.”

“Then I’ll make a new request.” He smiled. “Go on a date with me.”

Jewel studied him for a long moment. Finn let her analyze him to her heart’s content. They had a lot of baggage between them. He’d made a lot of mistakes. Honestly, he wouldn’t hold it against her if she never wanted to see him again.

But he hoped she’d give him another shot.

Jewel nodded. “I would love to.”


“I’m sorry. You’re what?”

Jewel stared at Sky, Carrie and Joana who’d crowded into her living room. Well, it was actually Sky’s living room, but since Joon Gi had built Sky her dream home close to the Caribbean Sea, Sky let her rent this place for a steal.

“I’m going on a date with Finn.”

“Wheel and come again, girl.” Carrie swung her arms. “I knew you and Finn were talking these past few months, but I didn’t think it was that serious.”

Jo thrust her hand high. “I called it!”

Jewel laughed. “All of a sudden…”

“I told you guys.” Jo smirked. “I said that Finn wouldn’t be able to resist her. I told you the woman he’d try to con would steal his heart instead. I called it.”

“He’s not a con,” Jewel defended.

“I think ‘con’ is a very tame word for what he did,” Carrie mumbled.

“Guys, I’ve already forgiven him. Finn had a good reason for approaching me four months ago. It’s water under the bridge.”

“Which bridge?” Carrie snorted. “Not mine.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sky chewed on her bottom lip. She was still holding the dresses she’d brought at Jewel’s request.

Since she’d had a video chat session lined up with Juney yesterday, Jewel hadn’t been able to go out with Finn the day he asked. They’d rescheduled it for today, Sunday, which was perfect since the store was closed and they could spend more time together.

But after going through everything in her closet, Jewel realized she had nothing to wear and freaked out. She called her friends without thinking through what that option meant.

“I appreciate everyone’s concern, but I’m stressed as it is. Can I get some encouragement here?”

“You’re gonna do great,” Jo said, walking towards her and rubbing her back. “Finn would be an idiot to mess this up a second time.”

“Thank you. Sky?” Jewel arched an eyebrow.

“There’s good in him. I saw it from that first day. Even if my instincts were a little off, I’ll stand by that.”

Jewel turned to Carrie.

“Why are you looking at me?”

Jewel pushed out her bottom lip and grabbed Carrie’s hand. Since working with her therapist, she’d become more accepting to touch. Especially with the people she trusted.

Jewel would never be an overly affectionate person, but if someone paid her a compliment or accidentally knocked into her at the store, she would no longer suffer from fear and flashbacks.