Finn shrugged.

“When are you going to see her, man?”

“Not right now.”

“Why not?”

Finn tapped his fingers on the desk. “It’s too soon.”

“Too soon for what? You’re talking everyday.”

“She hasn’t invited me down yet. I don’t want to crowd her.” He thought of Jewel’s fledgling steps toward breaking out of her shell. “She’s focusing on other things.”

“Like what?”

Finn thought back to their conversations. “Her dreams of becoming a chef, having a YouTube channel to teach others how to bake, taking care of her little brother. There’s a lot on her plate.”

“And there’s nothing on yours. Come on, man. You’re not getting any younger. Secure the bag. Tie her down. Do what you gotta do to stake your claim.”

“We’re just friends.”

“Mm-hm.” Nolan popped an eyebrow. “Since you and Jewel are so platonic, I guess I can make a move on her. She’s only a couple years older than me and, I mean, have you seen how hot she is? It’s insane. Maybe I’ll get to be her first real boyfriend.”

Finn opened a file and stared at it, his voice a severe whisper. “Try it and I’ll break you limb from limb.”

“You sound so unattached.”

Finn rubbed his temple. “I can’t just book a ticket and fly to Belize for no reason.”

“Yes. You can.” Nolan swung his phone around and showed him an electronic plane ticket. “It’s fine. Reimburse me later.”

He lumbered out of his seat and launched at Nolan. His friend laughed like a hyena on drugs and scampered out the door.

Finn returned to his seat, lost in thought. He would never do something as stupid and impulsive as fly to Belize just to see Jewel. Who did Nolan think he was?

I’d just make a fool of myself.

A few hours later, Finn found himself packing his bags and heading to the airport anyway.

The doubts slammed into him when he was already airborne and looking out into the cloudy sky. He should have at least called ahead instead of busting on Jewel without some type of warning.

It was too late now.

He was already on his way.

* * *

Sweet Treats looked exactly the way it had when he left it. Finn paid the taxi driver and stepped out into the dusk. Lampposts were popping on all along the street.

He checked his watch.

Five minutes until closing.

Hiking his duffel bag higher on his shoulder, Finn entered the building. The counter was empty, but the jangle of the bells above the door prompted a voice from the kitchen.

“Just a minute!”

He strode forward, his gaze skimming the empty display case and the two metal tables tucked away in the corner.