“I was nervous, but I had everyone there with me.”

“I’m glad.”

Jewel sighed. “Yeah, my friends are my family. I don’t know where I would be without them.”

“That’s good. That’s great.”

Awkward silence fell.

Unwilling to let her go so soon, Finn asked, “What about Juney? How does your brother feel about all of this?”

“He’s okay. A little confused, but I don’t think he understands the depth of it. Kross was never a topic I discussed with him. All he knows is that his sister stopped a bad man from doing more bad things.”

“He must be impressed.”

“He should be.” Jewel chuckled. “I’m pretty incredible.”

It was the first time he’d ever heard her compliment herself and for some reason, that newfound confidence made her ten times more intriguing to him.

A voice sounded in the background. “Jewls! Can you handle the counter for me?”

“You’re busy,” Finn said. “I should let you go.”

“It was nice to hear from you,” she whispered.

“Goodbye, Jewel.”

“Goodbye, Finn.”

They hung up.

Finn put his phone away and tried to drown his thoughts with the nightly news. His conversation with Jewel had been short, slightly awkward. It was clear that she was moving on with her life.

He shouldn’t bother her. Shouldn’t call her again.

But the next week, he did.

And she answered.

They talked for longer that time, maybe thirty minutes. At the end, she’d seemed reluctant to let him go.

Finn called a few days after that, making sure to calculate the time difference so he didn’t interrupt her at work.

Talking once every week turned to twice a week.

Then three times a week.

Four months later, Finn and Jewel were talking everyday, sometimes until dawn.

A few days later, Nolan called him out on it. “You’re yawning again.”

“What?” Finn glanced away from the files in his hands.

“What time did you sleep last night?”

“I don’t know.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe three.”

“Three?” Nolan’s eyes bugged. “Because of Jewel?”