“No,” Jewel sputtered.


Finn’s lips did that thing where one corner lifted higher than the other. Jewel knew she shouldn’t feel this attracted to him after everything that had happened. It would take years to unpack the trauma.

And yet, here she was.

Finn ran his knuckles down her cheek. Slowly. The way he had at Sky’s wedding when they’d hidden out beneath the tree. “I’m leaving in a few hours.”

“That’s nice.”

“If you want, I’ll never come back.”

Her gaze skittered away from his. “Don’t worry about me. Do whatever you want.”

Finn leaned closer and her heart sped up. “I’ll hold you to that.”

She knew he would.


Two weeks later, Finn sat in his father’s chair, in his father’s office, looking down the barrel of a life that no longer felt like his own. He grasped his cell phone in his hand and stood, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city skyline.

The door burst open and Nolan entered, a big, sloppy grin on his face. “Look at you, Boss-man.”

“Shut up, Nolan.” Finn scowled.

His friend ignored the attitude and plopped a laptop on the desk. A news article filled the screen. “So I know you’ve been keeping up, but just in case, this is the latest from Belize.”

“What is it?”

“Jewel and her friends are home-free. The judge ruled it as self-defense.”

Finn sighed in relief. “That’s good.”

“Mm-hm.” Nolan sat on the edge of the desk. “So when are you gonna stop brooding and call her?”


“You see any other cowards in here?”

Finn picked up a paper clip and tossed it. “You’re fired.”

“I don’t work for you. I just occupy an office without paying rent and eat liberally from your cafeteria.”

Finn stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Kross is dead.”

“You said that like it’s a bad thing.”

“These clothes are confining.” Finn plucked at the blazer covering his forearms. “The sun isn’t hot enough.”

“Compared to the Caribbean, you mean?”

Finn cleared his throat. “There’s nothing for me there.”

“Jewel’s there.”

“She doesn’t want to hear from me.”