Finn glanced up and saw Kross lying on the ground. Eyes open, unseeing. Blood poured from his back. He sat up, groaning in pain and looked behind him.

Jewel stood in the clearing, her feet spread apart and her hands shaking.

She was still holding the gun.

Finn scrambled up and ran to her. “Jewel!”

She collapsed into his arms. Her eyes were wide, shocked. “I killed him.”

Sky, Carrie and Joana ran to them.

Sky took Jewel from him. “It’s okay. You were protecting Finn.”

Jewel stared at Kross’s body in disbelief.

Carrie glanced around. “We need a shovel.”

“Babe?” Benson groaned and limped over to them, holding Sun Gi up with an arm. “You gonna bury him?”

“No,” Joana argued, “we should cut his body into pieces and throw it into the water. I’ve seen them do that in movies.”

“Really?” Sun Gi gave Joana the stink eye. “Who do you suggest should do the cutting?”

“Good question.”

Sky glared at all of them. “Could we not discuss disposing the body right in front of her?”

“No, it’s fine.” Jewel straightened and sucked in a deep breath.

Finn studied her. She looked tired, terrified, but she was safe.

They all were.

Nolan’s voice spoke through his earpiece. “I called the cops.”

“What did you tell them?”

“Self-defense. Everyone else is a citizen with alibis, but you’ll need to get out of there if you don’t want to get arrested and kicked out of Belize.”

Finn nodded and glanced at Jewel again. “I have to go.”

“Thank you.” She smiled bravely.

“We’ll talk later.” He dipped his head at the girls and disappeared from the clearing.

As he got into his car and drove back the way he’d come, Finn struggled and failed to wrap his brain around what had just happened.

Kross was dead. By Jewel’s hands, which he hadn’t anticipated, but the end result was all that mattered. Courtney had received the justice he’d longed for.

Now what?

Strangely forlorn, Finn drove back to the bakery without settling on an answer.


Sleep. All Jewel wanted to do was sleep for days and days. She could barely keep her eyes open when the police came, asking questions and snapping pictures. Her head felt like it was about to explode.

As the man who’d terrorized her for years was carried away on a gurney, Sky wrapped an arm around her shoulder and steered her from the sight.