Nothing except his rage.

Which wasn’t a great weapon given the fact that he was currently face-down in the dirt and struggling to move.

A howl rang through the night a moment before another body landed next to his.

Joon Gi’s.

The man rolled over on his side, his pale face a mask of agony.

Finn chuckled shakily. “Told you guys not to follow me.”

“Shut up.”

His lips twitched, but he had more important things to focus on right now.

Kross was a better fighter, embarrassingly so, but he’d lost track of the gun sometime after Sun Gi, Joon and Benson converged.

His gaze scanned the dark surroundings. The moon had slipped from behind a cloud and provided a scrawny beam. That, along with the beams from his and Kross’s car, lit the place up like a Christmas tree.

Finn eyed the gun that had skittered to Kross’s left just as he defeated Benson. At least the bigger man hadn’t gone flying like his friends.

Finn crawled toward the gun, hoping to get there while Kross was still occupied. His legs scraped against the dried leaves and twigs. He was pretty sure he’d bruised something important.

None of that mattered.

His blood rushed in his ears and adrenaline spiked his heartbeat, keeping him from breaking down. The fight wasn’t over yet.

Not by a long shot.

The gun glistened in his sights.

He dove for it and caught his hands on the handle. Victory slipped through his veins, but before he could get a secure grip, a booted foot landed on his hand and pressed down.

Finn bawled out from pain.

Kross kicked him in the head.

Light flashed and pinpricks of darkness flashed behind his eyes. Kross slowly knelt, picked up the gun and stood. His shoes thudded against the ground as Kross ambled closer to him.

Finn glanced around for backup and found Benson, Sun Gi and Joon struggling to mobilize. For the first time, he tasted fear.

Kross had the upper hand and they all knew it.

I hope Jewel got away.

Kross pointed the gun at his head. “You know. I do remember Courtney. She was blonde, right? Petite. She wanted to be a… dancer.”

Finn gritted his teeth. “Go to hell.”

“You first.” Kross settled his hands on the trigger. “Tell your sister hi for me when you get there.”

Finn closed his eyes and prepared for the fatal shot.

He heard a boom!

His body froze.

A thud sounded beside him.