“Kandace, look over here.” She refused to look my way. She was afraid for no reason. I hadn’t intended to show her my cock. I was just having a little fun. “Look. My hands are on the counter.”

“You’re so fresh.” She flung a dish towel at my waist.

“I think you like it.”

“Yeah. It’s attractive,” she snorted.

I believed there was a bit of truth in every joke. For one second, I had thought there was a possibility that she liked when I flirted with her. I sobered a little before I asked my next question.

“It’s summer in the city. When my dick is not on your mind, are you dating anyone?”

“No. Not seriously. I’ve had a couple of boring coffee meetings.” She then added an optimistic lilt, “But I have a date tonight. A real date, complete with appetizers and adult beverages.”

My fingers dug into my palms, and I stopped breathing as I tried to stifle any outward reaction. A date? With whom? Where are they going? I inhaled a calming breath before I spoke.

“Ah. A real date? Tell me about it.”

A blush crept across her cheeks.

“I met him on Bumble. I like that the women decide if they want to initiate contact. It’s very empowering.”

“A dating app? Those are for desperate people and hookups. Nobody seeks serious relationships by using apps.”

“Gee, thanks. Thank you for labeling me as desperate. Tell me which one you’re on, so I can avoid it.”

“You shouldn’t rely on apps to meet men. You’re a cute girl with a friendly personality. It’s hard to believe that men don’t fall over themselves trying to get your attention.”

“Unfortunately, men don’t throw themselves at me. I do everything the experts say you’re supposed to do. I smile and greet men at the grocery store. I’m always dressed well for the occasion—not too flashy and not too plain. I make eye contact with guys I’m interested in. Yet, I rarely pick up guys.”


“Yes, me. My love life is so pitiful that my mother has resorted to hooking me up,” she sighed.

“I’m sure if you open your eyes, you’ll find there are many guys interested in you. Don’t use apps as your primary method of meeting men. Get out there and have fun with dating.” I felt a little silly dispensing advice about dating and romance. I hadn’t had a girlfriend since my freshman year in college, and now my experiences with women were more of the ‘one and done’ variety. “Tell me about the asshole,” I said grudgingly. She perked up and began to chatter.

“His name is Will, and he’s a twenty-five-year-old computer engineer. He lives in Pontchartrain Park. He’s a riot. He likes to text funny jokes and memes.” She pulled a cell phone from her pocket and swiped until she found his photo. She turned the phone toward me and held it next to her face. “Aren’t we cute together?”

I didn’t even see the guy, I was so focused on the stars in Kandace’s eyes. A streak of jealousy blazed deep within me. Will in Pontchartrain Park wasn’t the right guy for her. She needed a man who was original and romantic, not some nerd who text messaged jokes that other men created. I answered the question the only way I knew how.

“He looks like a weirdo, and he sounds corny.” Way to go. You sound like a real d-bag.

She bristled at my rude remark.

“No. He’s a nice guy. I thought you guys looked a little alike.”

“Do you need your glasses? We do not look alike. Where is he taking you? Please, don’t say you will hang out at his place.” If I planted enough bad seeds, maybe I could sabotage the date before it even happened.

“No. We’re going to VINO. I’ll take an Uber there and go home alone. I think the date will be a lot of fun.”

VINO was a self-service wine bar within walking distance of the loft. The automated pouring machines dispensed wine by the ounce. The bar was a nice romantic atmosphere and perfect for a first date. Maybe Will wasn’t as stupid as I thought.

“Good. Call me if anything should go haywire.”

“You worry too much. Everything will be fine.”

After Kandace left for the day, dark and obsessive thoughts replaced my light and airy mood.

A dating app? Dating apps were for hookups. Nobody was interested in finding love on any of the popular dating apps. I knew this firsthand. When I didn’t want to work too hard for female company, I usually checked out the offerings on Hinge or Tinder.