“She went to Vegas for the weekend. She felt lucky and wanted to get a jump on holiday shopping. She asked us to FaceTime later.”
For the second time, we all sat around the dining room table. But this time, four of the most important people in my life were sitting next to me.
We bowed our heads in grace as my grandfather rattled off a prayer, thanking God for the bounty and family. Pop-Pop carved the turkey, and we passed platters of food around the table. We all ignored Chadwick’s look of disappointment. He’d spent the previous night watching turkey carving videos on YouTube and had been looking forward to the honor.
My mother scooped a heaping serving of macaroni and cheese and plopped it on my plate. She smiled sheepishly when I looked at her.
“Natasha, you put your big toe in this dressing. This is the best oyster dressing I’ve ever had.” My grandfather jumped when Goody cleared her throat. “Sorry. Second best.”
Part of the Alexander tradition was to go around the table and say one thing that we were thankful for. I answered, “Love,” while I looked at my husband. Chadwick answered, “My wife.” To my surprise, my mother answered, “For new beginnings.”
At the end of the dessert course, our friends and loved ones all congregated in the living room to talk and recuperate from the huge meal. Mama, Goody, and I cleared the dinner table and covered the food in plastic wrap. It felt like old times.
Instead of joining the group in the living room, I led my mother to the master bedroom and closed the door behind us. I gestured for her to take a seat in the sitting area.
We both sat on the navy-blue velvet sofa. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and I slipped mine around her waist. With my face buried into her side, I inhaled her familiar scent of her signature perfume—blackberries and vanilla. I’d missed her smell. I’d missed her touch.
We had wasted so much valuable time, and she had said so many hurtful things to Chadwick and me.
“Mama, I needed you.” All of my hurt sprang forth, and I choked back the sob trapped in my throat. Unable to hold back the tears, I wiped away each one with the back of my hand.
“I know, Chère.” The endearment was a soft touch after the last three months of fighting. I could hear the tears in her voice before she swallowed them back. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you.” She rocked me gently as we clung desperately to each other until our tears subsided.
“I learned of the wedding when one of the book club members called to congratulate me. I read that dreadful article and was so embarrassed that I didn’t know about it. I thought we were so close and that there would be no secrets between us. I didn’t understand what had happened.” She paused before continuing. “Mom and Marie-Therese helped me to see our relationship through your eyes. I may have been a little overbearing.”
“A little?” I chuckled. Leaning away from her chest, I peered at her from the corner of my eye. She laughed, and I sank back into the hug.
“Kandi, on the day I brought you home from the hospital, I vowed that I would give you a limitless existence filled with love and opportunity. My thoughts were to guide you through this life by being a bit overboard with protecting you from harm. Now, look at you. You’re a married woman with a husband who adores you. When he stopped by the office, he stood up to me. I knew then that he would do whatever it took to make sure you’re happy. He deserves you. Please forgive me.”
I didn’t know Chadwick had a hand in our reunion. All the puzzle pieces fell into place. It explained the amount of food he’d ordered and the stalling before dinner time.
“I forgive you.” I took a pause before continuing, “I hope our relationship can move forward along a different path. You can’t continue to run my life. No more debating my fashion choices, my hair, or any of my life decisions.”
“I’ll work on it. I can’t promise I’ll change overnight, so please give me a bit of grace. I want you to tell me when I’ve crossed the line.”
“We’ll be honest and patient with each other. That’s all I can ask.”
We spent the next hour talking about everything that occurred in the last four months. We talked about newlywed life, my upcoming graduation, the happenings at Scrub-A-Dub, and the next phase of my life.
We didn’t leave the room with any unsaid words. There was still a lot of damage, but I was optimistic we would work together and heal.
The University of Florida’s winter commencement exercises were a series of ceremonies spread over the course of a weekend. Thousands of graduates, families, and friends descended on the tiny town of Gainesville to honor the achievements and launch the graduates into the next phase of their lives.
Hordes of students and their families descended on the city. Every hotel, restaurant, and bar was bursting at the seams. Everywhere you looked there were there were smiling faced men and women positing for photos while stretching and clapping their arms for the signature, “Gator Chomp.”
Kandace had requested a low-key graduation celebration, but the St. Clairs and the Alexanders didn’t know how to do anything low-key. We celebrated with a four-course meal prepared by a private chef. After dinner, spent our evening wrapped in thick plaid blankets, sitting around the firepit with mugs of hot chocolate or warm brandy.
Kandace was the first to retire to the bedroom, and she yawned before excusing herself. Before she left, she ran a finger along my shoulder blades and then leaned down to kiss me goodnight.
“Don’t stay out too late,” she whispered.
I crept into the master bedroom not fifteen minutes later, quietly undressed, and climbed into bed to spoon her slender body. My fingers traced over her soft skin, moving from her breasts down her stomach to the delicate folds between her legs. I rubbed the tender flesh until she came all over my fingers.
The next morning, my wife and my in-laws awakened at the crack of dawn to attend the first ceremony of the weekend. Held in “The Swamp”, University of Florida’s football field. The weather was far cooler than any of us were used to. Celeste, Frank, and I huddled together and drank large cups of coffee.
Overall, Celeste seemed to be in a better mood. Her face radiated pure joy as she searched for Kandace in the group of students on the grass field.