He moved faster. His grunts became more primal and his movements were less controlled.

Our rhythms paced together as we chased our orgasms. He released first. Five seconds later, I spasmed around him. Waves of pleasure rolled around me and warmed me.

His mouth was back on my lips. He kissed me slowly and softly, lavishing praise on me between each kiss.

“You’re so brave. Did you enjoy it?” he asked.

I nodded before answering.

“I can’t wait to do that again.”


Chadwick and I returned to New Orleans, riding the crest of newlywed bliss. The first night, we packed my car and his SUV with my clothing. At the end of the sublease, we would donate the furniture and decorative items to charity. It amazed me that all of my worldly material possessions could fit into two vehicles, but I felt my life was much richer with my man.

Before we married, Chadwick and I had agreed to introduce our relationship slowly to our families, and once they’d gotten used to us being together and in love, we would announce our marriage.

The more noses in our marriage, the greater the potential for drama, and I didn’t want us to stress ourselves by trying to prove our feelings. I wanted to enjoy being newlyweds and keep the two of us wrapped in a protective bubble. In a few months, we would reveal our marriage to our family and friends. This secret marriage ordeal would be over, and we would move on to the next phase of our lives.

With one last look, I whispered a goodbye to my old life and shut the door behind me.

My first post-wedding social outing was a Saturday brunch with Natasha. We’d met at Buchanan’s, a small, luxe jazzy spot in the French Quarter and known for its boozy brunch. Before I entered the restaurant, I carefully removed my wedding ring set and tucked it into a small jewelry pouch inside my purse.

The crowded restaurant was alive with activity. In the center of the restaurant sat Natasha, looking like she didn’t have a care in the world. She stood and gave me a hug after giving me a once over.

“Dang, girl. You look great! Looks like you got a little sun. Where’ve you been?”

“I’ve started jogging again. I wake up at five o’clock in the morning and get in two miles a day.” I lied. The only exercise I’d had was bouncing on my husband’s cock every morning and night.

“I need to join you because I’ve put on some weight.” She patted her nearly flat stomach for emphasis. Before I could say she hadn’t gained a single ounce, she narrowed her eyes. “Is that why you’re late? You’re usually very prompt.”

“Time got away from me.” I avoided eye contact by placing the napkin in my lap. “How are you? How’s work?”

“I’m well. Still waiting on your response to the Orange Beach weekend trip. Keely and Simone confirmed a few days ago. Are you going?”

Shit. I’d forgotten to answer the invitation. She wasn’t used to me not promptly answering her text messages. That was likely the reason for the third-degree.

“I don’t think I can make it.” I scanned the busy restaurant for the waiter. I attempted to change the subject. “Is that orange juice? Or did you order a mimosa?”

“Orange juice. Don’t change the subject. How can I convince you to go? I need you as a buffer between me and Simone. She’ll drive me batshit with her stories and innuendos. We’ll battle the whole weekend if you aren’t there.”

“I’m sorry. I’m behind on work. I don’t think I can make it.”

I didn’t want to go. Chadwick and I were in the honeymoon phase of our marriage. While I loved my friends, I couldn’t get enough of my husband. He was the reason I was late for brunch.

Chadwick was imaginative and easily aroused. His enthusiasm for me was the biggest boost to my ego. The simple act of bumping into each other in the hallway ended with us tangled and panting against each other. Every night, I fell into a deep sleep after he fucked the life out of me. ?In the morning, I would rise and ride him until we both fell back asleep.

That morning, I had awakened and stared at him while he slept soundly on the other side of the bed. I had disappeared under the layers of covers, careful not to disturb his slumber. He’d been naked and pitching a semi-tent. Taking his cock in my hand, I’d licked the tip and sparked an instant reaction. His hand had reached for my head and held me in place as I took him in my mouth. His grip on my head had relaxed as he’d fallen back into the sensation of my lips wrapped tightly around him.

Giving head. Cock sucking. Blowjobs. Sucking dick. Such crude terms for one of the most intimate acts in love. We should call it cock worship, ‘cause?that’s what it was.

“Earth to Kandi. Are you there, Kandi?” Natasha waved to me, breaking into my thoughts. I caught myself with an uncontrollable smile spreading across my face. Ever observant, my best friend saw the blush. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she evaluated my response. “What’s going on with you? You aren’t working every single day, so how can you be behind? How are things going with Mr. Dreamy?”

“Who’s that?”

“Chadwick!” she said, exasperation written all over her face.

“Oh. He’s okay.”