Natalia nodded to her assistant, Randy, and he opened the doors with a flourish. A string quartet dressed in all-black began the opening strains of Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” I lifted my right foot to begin my march.

Goodbye, Kandace Marie Alexander . . .

Our wedding coordinating team transformed the Primrose Courtyard into a magical terrarium with flowers spilling over every surface of the courtyard. Lush greenery lined the walls, and roses accented two large topiaries. Orchids hung from an invisible wire and appeared to float from the ceiling. Dusk swept over the site as flickering luminaries cast a golden hue over the ceremony site. Chadwick and I would pledge our love for each other under a large canopy covered in green vines and accented with hundreds of tea light candles.

I took tentative steps along the rose petal-lined aisle runner. I was afraid I would trip over my gown and face plant. Now, that would be some entrance. I slowed my gait to the speed of a turtle’s crawl.

I worked up the courage to look at my groom waiting at the end of the aisle. Astonishment and relief flashed over his face when his blue eyes met my brown, and he greeted me with a shy smile. I wiggled a wave in return.

My husband-to-be could have been on the cover of GQ magazine. He was handsome, impeccably attired, and so sexy. Today was one of the most important days of our lives, and he was so relaxed in his crisp, navy-blue tuxedo and a white linen shirt. Aww. He shaved for the wedding. He’d even used product, foregoing his usual messy cropped hair for a perfectly coiffed style.

His eyes seemed to levitate me until I practically floated down the rest of the aisle. Each step brought us closer and closer to our future. Monogamy. Love. Children. Everything I’d dreamed and hoped for but never thought I would get.

After what felt like an eternity, Chadwick extended his hand and I reached out to grab my future. I slid my fingers into his, and we stepped up to the officiant.

“Sweets, twenty hours is too long without you in my arms,” Chadwick whispered. “Thank you for marrying me.” His eyes glistened with tears.

“It was torture. I missed you so much. I was in good hands, though.” Cue the waterworks. Why was I crying so much at my wedding? I was an emotional wreck.

The officiant cleared his throat.

“Has the beautiful bride and handsome groom finished their private conversation? If so, let’s start the ceremony.”

“Oh, sorry,” I blushed.

“Dearly beloved . . .”

He began the ceremony, and everything faded to a hum. Everything but Chadwick. We may as well have been the only two people on earth. We both vowed to love, forsake all others, and support each other’s dreams. There were moments in the ceremony that held special significance. Chadwick squeezed my hand and emphasized that he would share all that he had with me. I teared up when I declared that my family is his family.

With trembling hands, we each placed matching platinum bands on the other’s fingers, and the officiant looked between the two of us with a genial smile.

“Chadwick and Kandace, you have spoken the words that unite your lives. By the authority vested in me by the state of Nevada, I pronounce you husband and wife. Chadwick, you may now kiss your bride.”

Joyful energy and hope swelled in my chest as I looked up at my husband. I couldn’t believe that I was Mrs. Chadwick St. Clair, and he was all mine. I interlaced my fingers with his, he looked over at me and a broad grin stretched across his face. A hint of pink dotted his clean-shaven cheeks. Was his excitement from the crowded casino or our secret marriage? His hand wrapped tighter around mine, in response, I leaned closer to him until our sides met.

Over the chaotic sounds of the slot machines and the roar of conversations, the usually unaffected and weary gamblers turned their heads to gawk at our wedding finery and shout their well-wishes.

“Beautiful! Congratulations! Best Wishes!”

It was a little past midnight, and we were giddy at our secret and being in love. The oxygen-infused air casinos pumped in along with newlywed excitement gave me the energy to gamble and party the night away along with many other things. We walked around the casino floor, randomly inserting bills in slot machines. We hoped our luck in love would result in hitting the jackpot.

Clinging tightly to each other, we stopped at a roulette table. Chadwick observed that the seven and fifteen were illuminated on the tote board. Deciding that our wedding date was a sign, he requested two thousand dollars in chips. We placed the entire amount on red.

The wheel spun and spun until the ball landed in the number eleven pocket. Red! We doubled our initial bet and jumped up and down to celebrate our win as our tablemates applauded. Throwing caution to the wind, we placed another bet. Before I knew it, we were up six thousand dollars.

After an hour of playing, we’d lost a significant amount of our winnings. Like our win streak, my energy level came to a screeching halt. My eyes felt heavy as I stifled a yawn. Chadwick looked at his watch before wrapping an arm around me. He leaned in and kissed the side of my head.

“Come. It’s time for bed.”

It’s time from bed.

The crowded casino spun as my heart began to palpitate so loud and so fast. Now was the moment for lovemaking, and I was ready for everything he had and then some. The last six weeks had been pure torture with the three of us—me, Chadwick, and his big, engorged dick.

We cashed in our chips, and he guided me through the crowded casino to the bank of elevators. Sliding his hands into my hair, Chadwick pulled me forward until our lips met. Filled with desire for my husband, I kissed him hungrily and reached around his back to draw him closer. Once we arrived at our floor, we walked arm-in-arm down the hallway until we reached our suite.

He waved the keycard over the sensor until the door lock clicked. My breath hitched as he effortlessly scooped me into his arms. The unexpected move caught me by surprise and a laugh escaped from my lips. I wrapped my arm around his neck and kicked my feet as he carried me across the threshold.

“I made it too easy for you. I should have had that second slice of cake!” He backed us into the room and kicked the door shut with a hearty laugh. Chadwick walked across the open space to the bedroom and gingerly placed me on the bed.