At twenty-six, I didn’t need my father to manage my life. I wanted to tell him there was a?more than suitable woman in my life. A woman I could share my future with.
This morning she had woken up in my arms. She’d spent all night clinging tightly to me while we slept in my bed. With a smile plastered on my face, I had memorized each breath, snore, and eye movement.
When you know, you just know . . .
With no regard for table manners, I pulled out my phone and typed furiously. By the end of dinner, I had a date for dessert with Kandace. She would be my dessert.
For the first time in my adult life, I was in love.
I had experienced my first love at the tender age of fifteen. I’d fallen for the first girl?who had touched my dick. Chloe Randall had been one grade above me. The spoiled daughter of our neighborhood association president, Chloe had been wise beyond our years. She’d been well-versed in using what she had to get what she wanted. With lips permanently fixed in a pout, she’d purred requests for gifts. Unable to see the future and filled with raging hormones, I’d given her easy access to my wallet. I’d showered her with stuffed animals and jewelry. Anything to persuade her to continue touching my dick.
After two months of being led by the dick through the streets of New Orleans, my friends James, Quad, and Mike had pulled me aside and given me the lowdown. Under their tutelage, I had learned a motto that had shifted my mindset as it related to the fairer sex.
Always leave with more than you came with.
I stopped trusting women and began dating for sport. I’d spent the next eleven years sampling the various women in New Orleans, Manhattan, and Washington D. C. . Women who wanted whatever I offered, be it gifts, sexual fulfillment, or social connections. I always went for female hustlers with ulterior motives for being with me, the ones whose gazes drifted around the room to check if anyone was watching us.
In short, my interactions with women had become sexual transactions. Quid pro quo. Kiss me and I’ll kiss you back. Suck my cock and I’ll finger your clit. Fuck me and I’ll buy you a handbag or a pair of shoes. I always gave the bare minimum and expected the stars in return. And I did so at the expense of many hearts.
Years of loose sexual morals made me mechanical and unfeeling and eventually took a toll on my relationships. Kevlar covered my cold, dead heart, and nothing could penetrate my armor. But the proverbial Tin Man had received his heart ten weeks ago when Kandace had crashed her way back in my life.
I love her.
This time, love looked a lot different. It wasn’t about the gifts, the sex, or the prestige of being with me, it was a bond and a connection. Kandace knew my background and reputation, and she never judged me for it. She gave me her heart, and for that, I would be thankful for the rest of our lives.
Past dating experience had jaded my view of love, and sometimes I had questioned whether she was truly into me. But some things you just knew. Her eyes glowed when she talked to me. She always ended our kisses with a soft, sweet sigh.
For the past month, we spent our days running through the household tasks. When we completed our work, we explored the city. At the end of each day, we plopped on the sectional and watched television until she fell asleep. Each night, I gathered her in my arms and placed her in my bed before settling in beside her. She slept in my arms, and when we inevitably broke apart, she reached for me.
She spent a majority of her time at my loft, yet I craved more. There was only one way to convince her to give herself to me. To prove that I was in it for keeps. A dramatic gesture would move our relationship forward. My next move could be a beautiful thing, or it could crash and burn.
It all started with panties. Tiny black panties, as a matter of fact.
I’d had trouble sleeping. Like a heat-seeking missile, Kandace’s ass had remained pressed to my dick. I spent the night acutely aware of the slightest movement. Her sexy brown body and curly chestnut hair took up over half of the bed, leaving me a tiny slice for myself. Let’s not even discuss how she hogged the covers and left me to sleep under a handkerchief-sized sliver of the blanket.
Then, to make matters worse, I’d peeked under the covers. In the middle of the night, the shirt had risen above her toned thighs to reveal her panties. To call them panties would be an overstatement. She wore two postage stamp-sized squares attached with a sliver of string.
The scraps of fabric hardly covered her bare little pussy. All night, her lips tempted me. My mouth watered while my dick throbbed. I wanted to climb on top of her and slowly slide my cock inside until I was buried deep within her. My fingers twitched in desperation to reach down and straighten the tiny panties. Instead, I slept with my hands firmly wrapped around my swollen cock.
A raging case of blue balls impacted my decision-making, and a major life step that took most men many years took me only a few weeks. If this ended horribly, I would chalk it up to involuntary celibacy.
Three years ago, I had kissed a girl before she left for college.
Today, I wanted to marry the woman she had grown to be.
“Cheers!” Kandace held up the green bottle of beer and clinked it against mine. She sipped and placed the bottle on the coaster. “Dinner was delicious. I didn’t know you could cook.”
“Sweets, you had very little faith in my grilling skills.”
“I’ve never had a meal made of all grilled foods. Grilled steak. Grilled corn. Grilled zucchini and peppers. Grilled pineapple. Wow. That was a first,” she teased. “I’m stuffed, but I want to thank you in my own special way.”
“What did you have in mind?” I asked. My heart thumped wildly when she took my hand and led me indoors to the master bedroom. We stood face-to-face at the bed before she tugged my shorts down over my hips. I eagerly removed my shirt and barely stepped out of the shorts before she roughly pushed me onto the king-size bed. I panted short, fast breaths, moving to the center of the bed to make room for her. She dropped next to me and placed a hand on my chest. I laughed softly and opened my legs wider as a subtle suggestion of what I needed.
Eyes hooded with lustful appreciation, she leaned over to kiss me as her soft, smooth fingers followed along the path leading from my lower belly to my cock.
“I’m putting you on notice.” She leaned against me and wrapped her leg over my thigh, the move setting every single neuron in my body on fire. “I’m ready.”
“What do you mean?” I raised from the bed and rested on my elbows. and looked over at her. My eyelids fluttered, and I let out a ragged breath when her hand gripped my already swollen cock.