He stepped closer, and for a second, I was face-to-cock. Thankfully, he kneeled in front of me before my naughty thoughts took over completely. He reached out, and I allowed his fingers to caress my cheek. He scanned my face as if committing every detail to memory.

“I will never pressure you to take this further than you like. We move at your pace.” He leaned into me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. I tasted the minty freshness of his mouthwash and the warm heat of his breath. “I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I watched you and memorized your silhouette. I was nervous because I was there next to you, the woman of my dreams.”

Chadwick St. Clair just referred to me as the woman of his dreams. For three long years, I had dreamed of him and imagined when he would see me not as that little bratty schoolgirl, but as a woman filled with desire. Now, I was in his bed, and I’d never shared how I felt about him. Why did I deny myself the pleasure of the one good thing in my life? He had made himself vulnerable on so many occasions while fear had gripped my heart.

I had two choices. I could continue to deny my attraction toward him, or I could be a woman and explain my thoughts and feeling. I chose the latter. If I blow it, then I blow it, but at least he’ll know.

My hand sought his and caressed the rough skin.

“I’ve fallen for you, and it scares me.” He stared at me in shock before his expression softened. Feeling braver, my eyes met his, and I continued with my confession. “You’re perfect, and I’m not. I’m inexperienced in all facets of life, and well . . . You’re not. I have an overbearing mother that I’m too afraid to tell to back off. I’m unsure about my future while working a job I don’t love. But the one bright spot in my day is stepping off that elevator and seeing your smile and hearing your voice.”

On cue, he flashed his pearly white teeth. “Okay. Continue.”

“One of my biggest regrets was not letting you know how I felt before I went away to college. You were so kind and attentive that summer, and for the first time in my life, I had felt like my opinions mattered. I was so sad when I hopped in that car to go to Gainesville knowing that we would never have that moment again. I contemplated calling you, but I fooled myself into thinking I was content with our lives moving in opposite directions.”

I stopped rubbing his hand, and my fingers trailed to his chin before I leaned in and kissed him until we both gasped for air. My hand slid to his chest and hovered over his heart. I closed my eyes and silently counted the racing beats. I opened my eyes to see him drinking me in, and I said the words I thought I would never utter to another human being.

“Chadwick, I need you in my life.”

I expected him to express an equally big revelation about me. Instead, he climbed over me and settled behind me on the bed. He spooned me from behind, his hard chest tight against me as our bodies seamlessly fit together. His heavy arm wrapped around me, clutching me, and I was afraid I would have marks where his fingers pressed into my skin. He held me in his arms until the movements of his chest slowed.

“I’m all yours,” he murmured before we drifted off.

He’s mine, all mine, and I’m never letting him go.

What felt like a few hours later, I awakened and slipped from his arms. I quietly gathered my gown and looked for my duffel bag. The time was eleven a.m., and I felt it was best to leave so he could get a jump on the day’s activities.

He turned in his sleep and rubbed the spot where I had been a few minutes before. Startled, he sprang up, and his eyes scanned the room.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to get home. I’ll call an Uber.”

He flung his legs over the side of the bed and stood before taking a few steps to be at my side.

“No. Stay. Eat breakfast with me. ?I’ll order carryout and then we will relax on the sofa.” There was a hint of finality to his tone.

“I didn’t pack any pants.”

“I’d rather you walk around naked. But if you need something to wear,?then wear my workout shorts. I need you here with me. If you will walk around naked,?then I had better take a cold shower.” My cheeks flushed as his eyes caught mine. Enjoying my embarrassment, he continued, “See? I’m excited just thinking about it.”

He tricked me. My eyes followed his to the large bulge in the front of his briefs and a river flooded my panties. He sobered a little and tilted my chin back up to meet his gaze.

“Sweets, I’ll stop teasing because I want you to know that I’m serious. You’re in control here. You decide when we will take the next step. I won’t pressure you. I’m ready whenever you are. Waking up next to you with your scrumptious ass pushed against me and not being able to taste you or really feel you . . .” He ran a hand through his hair and let out a whoosh as he exhaled. “That’s the hardest temptation I’ve ever faced. All I want is to feel those long legs draped over my shoulders as I bite your lips. Both sets.”

“Show me,” I squeaked.

“Excuse me?” He stammered, “What . . . What exactly do you want me to show you?”

“I would like you to drape my legs over your shoulders and bite my lips.”

With our eyes locked, he backed me up until I collapsed against the mattress. I watched intently as I slowly inched my way back to the headboard. My heart beat a hundred miles an hour when he placed his knee on the mattress and crawled toward me. His leg nudged mine apart to create space for his large, muscular frame. Settling at my center, I moaned at the delightful pressure of his pelvis against mine. He leaned down and gave me a slow kiss that sent shivers to my toes. I needed to get closer to him. I opened my legs wider, and his tongue moved deeper in my mouth in response.

His fingers roamed through my long, dark curls before our mouths met for another kiss. Our desires wrapped around each movement. Our kiss was a silent answer to the question that lingered in our minds.

Yes. We would be together.

Chadwick didn’t play fair. He pressed his hard dick against my wet, panty-clad pussy. Could he feel my wetness seeping against his boxer briefs?