I fell back on the sofa and stared at the wall. I couldn’t believe I’d missed all the signs—the nervousness, the blushing, and the somewhat prudish behavior. All of those things hinted at a limited sexual experience.

“Wow. I didn’t expect this.”

“I can go home. We can forget all about this. I’ll call an Uber,” she whispered. When she started to rise from the sectional, I wrapped my hand around her wrist.

My heart beat like a Paleolithic era drum as the caveman in me reared his ugly head. My initial thought was to ruin her, to bring her a pleasure so intense, she wouldn’t even notice other men.

I wanted to be the first.

I wanted to be the only.

“I don’t want you to leave. But let me get this straight . . . You’ve never done anything?” I approached the question tentatively.

“What do you mean?”

“Oral sex? Dry humping?”

“No.” She shook her head slightly.

“Has anyone ever fingered you?”

“No. Not really.”

“Not really?” I tilted my head to the side and smiled at her. “Don’t be coy. I’m curious to hear the answer.”

“No.” She blushed, looking at her lap.

“Touched you underneath your clothes?” She shook her head. What did she do in college? Now I understood why she was an honor student. I’d done pretty much everything on that list and more before my junior year in high school. I had to ask the question that lingered in my head. “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

Her cheeks flushed hotter as she nodded her head. Bingo.

“Tell me how you did it. Did you touch yourself? Or did you use a vibrator? Or did you hump a pillow?” I shot a devilish smile. I continued to stroke her knuckle with my thumb as I awaited the answer.

“All the above.” She bit her lips to stop her smile.

“Really?” I cocked a brow. That answer told me she wasn’t a prude and definitely not innocent.

“Really,” she chuckled, before sobering. “Chadwick, guys flee when they find out I’m a virgin. The world runs at a full sprint, but I’m running a slow jog. Nowadays, people meet, fall in love, and break up without leaving their couches. I want more.”

I quietly contemplated her words. She was perceptive because at that moment, I was afraid. I’d never slept with a virgin. When I’d been one myself, I’d fucked with a more experienced girl. I understood why some men had treated her like the plague. At some point in our lives, most men have uttered misconceptions about sex with virgins—virgins become clingy and possessive, there’s too much responsibility with being the first, or the woman is sad and lonely. I knew Kandace, and she was none of those things.

I knew how to please experienced women, but a virgin? That threw me for a loop. I imagined everything would have to go slowly. I would need to guide us through every single sexual experience. She would have to tell me what she liked and may need education on pleasing me. I also realized that I couldn’t take anything for granted—especially consent.

It was a lot of pressure, but I would rise to the challenge. I would set the standard for all men after me. I grimaced at the thought of another man looking at, let alone touching or tasting, what was mine.

Her eyes darted around my face, searching for a clue to my thoughts and feelings.

“I hope this doesn’t change our friendship.”

“It’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever heard.” I softened my tone. “Can I touch you? I promise to make you feel good.”

She nodded. Before she could change her mind, I leaned in to place a light kiss on her lips. My teeth nipped at her bottom lip before taking it into my mouth. My palm softly cupped her chin. Our tongues entangled as we merged into each other. My tongue left the warm confines of her mouth and traced her lips. Low, guttural moans escaped as she breathed against my lips.

She exposed her neck, and I took the clue to nuzzle my favorite spot. I stayed there until I remembered there were other parts of her to explore.

I slowly unzipped the strapless dress and pulled the fabric down until it fell open. The flesh-toned strapless bra dipped dangerously low, almost to the point that her breasts could escape. I traced a path of kisses from her shoulder down to the tops of her golden-brown breasts. My cock rose as my hands deftly unhooked her bra and tossed it onto the sectional. My hands replaced the fabric as I moved to her beautiful, firm breasts, and she shivered when my fingers brushed against the tender flesh. She moaned as I took the chocolate brown tips in between my fingers.

I gently squeezed the hardened tips before bending to take one in my mouth. She gasped before relaxing as I flicked my tongue against her.