“What’s the cause?” she challenged, her mouth curving into a grin.

“Aww. Come on, Kandace.”

“Chadwick, I’m serious. What’s the cause?” she glared. There was no escaping this. I searched my head for a reasonable answer. I floundered for a second before her eyes brimmed with laughter. She giggled, “Gotcha!”

She pulled me in for a hug. My arms wrapped around her waist, and my nose sank into her lush coils.

“You’re gorgeous. I like the dress,” I whispered. We held each other for far too long. Even to the average person, we looked less like friends and more like lovers.

Pierre was definitely an average person because he cleared his throat. He had watched our exchange with a mixture of anger and skepticism.

Kandace responded to the interruption with a dismissive smirk. He didn’t catch the slight movement, but I saw it. She was unhappy on the date. That made it easy for me. My anxiety began to subside, allowing me to relax and enjoy the ball.

“I didn’t mean to be rude. Chadwick St. Clair, this is Pierre Butler. Pierre, Chadwick is an old family friend.”

We exchanged pleasantries and a too-firm handshake.

“It looks like dinner is about to start. We had best find our table,” he said apologetically, placing the palm of his hand on Kandace’s lower back and guiding her toward their table. It was a simple move, but it made me want to break his multi-million dollar hand.

I leisurely strolled behind the two, wearing a smug, self-satisfied grin. Pierre hadn’t gotten rid of me. He didn’t understand the lengths I would take to get what I wanted.

“Chadwick, what is your table number?” Kandace asked, glancing back at me.


“We are also at table fifty-four. What a coincidence,” Pierre replied with a slightly sour expression.

Our table was close to the dance floor but far away from the Chairman’s table. We introduced ourselves to our tablemates, the Landrys and their single friend, Sandra.

After we settled into our seats, Kandace placed her napkin in her lap and leaned toward me.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing much.” I added a breezy, “A family friend planned this shindig. I may have called in a few favors.”

In between the second course and gumbo, I excused myself to make a trip to the bar. I noticed Kandace’s cocktail glass was empty.

“Kandace, would you like a drink?” I asked loudly enough to draw Pierre’s attention. “What about you, Sandra?”

Pierre leaped to his feet like an eager puppy.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get Kandi’s drink.” Before she could voice her drink request, he sprinted toward the bar. I flashed her a smile and shrugged my shoulders.

“No worries. I’ll pick up a drink for you. Prosecco or champagne, right?” I added a wink and puckered my lips when she nodded in assent.

I sauntered to the bar, running into a few more acquaintances along the way. I caught up with Pierre in time to catch him eyeing a young, petite brunette with big tits. She smiled, and he nodded in return. This time, it was my turn to clear my throat. Pierre slowly turned to face me and flashed a phony smile.

“How long have you known Kandi?”

“Her whole life,” I replied curtly.

The bartender moved in front of Pierre whose brow furrowed as he realized he hadn’t gotten Kandace’s drink order. I grinned and leaned in a bit.

“She likes champagne or a rosé.”

“Oh, yeah. Yeah. ?That’s right.”

At that point, I realized there was nothing to worry about with Kandace and Pierre. To the casual observer, they were a young couple in the beginning phases of their relationship. But I saw things differently. They both appeared painfully bored with each other. Kandace was naturally vibrant and funny, but with Pierre, she was far more reserved. She smiled with her mouth but not with her eyes when he told a joke. She appeared distracted in conversation with him, preferring to talk with me.