I turned around and took two steps backward. Collin stepped forward three steps. His moves were too close and too intimate for me, and I couldn’t get away from him. His aggression overwhelmed me, and I wanted to walk away from him. Fear of making a scene kept me silent. Instead, I counted down until the end of the song.
Once the song ended, I tried to escape back to the VIP area, but Collin pulled me against his body. He slung his massive arm around my neck and breathed against my face. The putrid scent of Hennessy, marijuana, and pizza assaulted my nostrils.
“You could at least tell me your name or let me buy you a drink,” he insisted. I responded that my shoes had irritated my feet, but before I could finish my answer, he tightened his hold around my neck. “Your fucking feet were fine a few minutes ago when you rubbed your ass against me. What’s your name? Or are you a stuck-up bitch?”
Panicked, I struggled to break free. Before I could respond to his awful words, before I could call out to my friends, before I could do anything . . . Chadwick shouldered his way through the security guarding the VIP section. Like a flash, he sprinted toward us. The crowd gasped in surprise and created a path for him. Surprised at the commotion, Collin loosened his grip, allowing me to break free. I scurried away before Chadwick pushed Collin back a few feet.
“You don’t lay a finger on her.”
“Mind your own fucking business,” Collin spat. “I’ll touch the bitch if I want.”
Chadwick frowned and pulled his elbow back. The crowd screamed as he slammed two blows against Collin’s face causing him to stumble before falling to the floor. With his fist clenched and jaw set, Chadwick walked over to the incoherent man to ensure he was no longer a threat. James materialized next to him, pulling him back.
“Whoa. Chill. He’s done.”
Three bouncers ran over to the commotion, and I expected them to throw Chadwick out. Instead, they slapped Collin on the cheeks to rouse him. The larger of the three nudged his leg with his foot and said, “Come on, buddy. Yo’ ass gotta go.” Once they’d roused the man, two of the bouncers picked him up by his shoulders and dragged him out of the club.
My friends were quickly by my side, and Natasha wrapped her arms around me. Each attempted to calm me in their individual way. Natasha rubbed my back while Keely patted my arms. Simone straightened my hair and mumbled obscenities under her breath.
Chadwick stalked over with his hands still clenched into fists. The girls were wide-eyed as they quickly moved out of the way. He gathered me in his arms. Instinctively, my own arms wrapped around his waist, and my face pressed against his shirt. Embarrassment took hold as I buried my face in his chest.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
I nodded as I glanced out the corner of my eye. My friends were watching us in stunned silence.
Fuck. The motherfucker had deserved it. The heat had risen in my chest when he’d rubbed his dick against Kandace’s ass. But the volcano had erupted when he’d locked her in his arms and refused to let her go.
Enclosing her in my arms, I murmured soothingly against her hair as I stroked her. Not sexually like before. I wanted her to feel comforted, but in a different way.
“How did you get here? You didn’t drive, did you?”
“Uber.” Her voice was muffled as she cried into my chest, and I grunted in acknowledgment.
“I’ll pay the bill. Tell your friends you’re leaving with me.” It wasn’t a request but a command. Sensing the seriousness in my tone, Kandace hurried over to her friends.
James appeared at my side and slapped me on the back.
“Playboy. Face the facts. You’re in deep.” He chuckled, his eyes sparkled with amusement. “I’m about to head out. I have to make up with my fiancée. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“We’re right behind you.” I flagged down the hostess and settled the ladies’ bill. I also tipped the security guards three crisp one-hundred-dollar bills. They patted me on the arm and congratulated me on giving the asshole the ‘two-hitter quitter. ’
I returned to find Kandi and her friends clustered in the booth. Every so often, one of the friends glared at me and then whispered a remark to the group. Their conversation was taking way too long. The way I saw it, Kandace would tell them she was leaving with me and then do precisely that. Period. End of discussion. Either they hurried it up, or I would carry her out. Before I could interrupt their huddle, Kandace nodded her head and gave each of them a hug before briskly returning to my side. I angled my head toward the circle of friends who were still eying me suspiciously.
“What were you talking about?”
“They wanted to make sure I’m safe with you.”
“Are you safe?” I scoffed, “I’ve known you longer than they have.”
“What can I say? You have a reputation, and you just knocked a guy out. They care about my well-being.”
“And I don’t? Come on. We’re leaving.” I practically dragged her through the club to the valet stand. If it weren’t for Kandace’s tall shoes, we could have walked much faster. Picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder wasn’t an option because her dress was so short.
I flagged the valet, who pulled the Porsche around to the front of the nightclub. I opened the passenger’s side door and waited for Kandace to slide in. Once assured she was safely buckled in, I ran around to the driver’s side. I handed the valet a fifty-dollar tip before closing the door.
I took a quick glance at Kandace’s sweet face. She appeared to be fine, despite tonight’s dramatic turn of events.